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  1. Java

    Kermie's Girl (ushy-gushy fanfic)

    Looking for something well written that would get me away from my own worries lead me back here today. I love this story and hope that when you have the chance you will add more.
  2. Java

    Reflections in Foam

    Chapter 19 “Well, I am sure glad that you guys showed up here.” Clifford glanced over at the door Rowlf had opened as he returned with the bitter nectar that would keep them awake through three am driving and saw no one. “You know buddy, a hand would be nice.” Rizzo’s voice swept up to...
  3. Java

    Reflections in Foam

    I don't mean to tease, but this is itching to get out and I can only write so much as I am supposed to work in the morning. I make no promises as to how quickly I will return with the next part of the chapter. :o
  4. Java

    Kermie's Girl (ushy-gushy fanfic)

    As I have been looking to get back into writing I have spent many hours catching up on all that I have missed. Ru, I can only say that I would like to be half as good as you in writing and expression one day. Thank you for continuing to share this with us.
  5. Java

    Reflections in Foam

    Chapter 18 (continued) The shadows of the flames danced across the faces around the fire. Animal panted lightly as they looked from one to another than stated simply, "Ro - bin." "He's called you on it babe," Floyd agreed. "That version of the story is Robin worthy." "Like, his was too."...
  6. Java

    Reflections in Foam

    As I went to write the next chapter, I realized that the last chapter was really incomplete. Not to mention I found continuity issues as I went back over this story to find where I was and what I wanted to do. I will clear those up later. What I can do now, is post what had been left out of...
  7. Java

    Reflections in Foam

    Yes, I am seriously going to update this. I'm working on my next chapter now. (I'm sad that I don't have it ready for posting today.) Your email has remained in my inbox the entire year as I've thought a lot about it. Hope you had a happy holiday as well too. Hugs! :)
  8. Java

    Reflections in Foam

    I have been thinking about this story a lot and while I have let life get in the way of being here I'm not ready to declare this story unfinished. I'm going to find my notes and see this through. Not just for me but to help my character in limbo. Hope that everyone else here on MC is doing...
  9. Java

    Err A-Parent

    Now that I'm caught up - with the phone I just assumed he had dropped it in his bag after having it at the counter for the mix up. This is wonderful! Loving the party!
  10. Java

    Kermie's Girl (ushy-gushy fanfic)

    Oh, Now I'm anxiously awaiting to see who's at the door!
  11. Java

    Kermie's Girl (ushy-gushy fanfic)

    Another wonderful addition Ru. Scribbler longing for Miss Piggy, the announcement and nervousness of the troupe, and Seymor Strathers. Very nice.
  12. Java

    Robin's Welcome to Muppet Theaters

    I'm still very interested in the story and reading it. Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you. It's nice and I'm very intrigued by the details you haven't included yet. Will be waiting for more when you have it.
  13. Java

    Fan-Fiction: The Muppets' Mid-Age Crisis

    So, the downside to having a smart phone in my life is that I waste too much time playing Angry Birds and other such nonsense in my downtime. At least until I said it's time to get my act together and get back to writing and MC. Now, the downside to having a smart phone is that I loose too...
  14. Java

    Reflections in Foam

    I am not sure if anyone else from the Jim Henson Hour will come forward and share their story. I haven't puzzled that part out yet. I know who is with Kermit (isnt' it nice to start a story and have an ending idea, even if it takes forever to get there.) and why said Muppet is there, but I...
  15. Java

    Reflections in Foam

    Thank you both. More will definitely be coming in the future. I just have to alternate between this and The Great Adventure as both take a lot of research...
  16. Java

    Reflections in Foam

    Chapter 18 "You know my percussionist friend," Dr Teeth looked across their campfire at Animal, "there is a moniker for your cranial functions now." Animal's eyebrows raised as he leaned back slightly trying to get the feel for what their leader was telling them. He hated sitting still. As...
  17. Java

    Robin's Welcome to Muppet Theaters

    What a very good start to a story. I really get the feel for being backstage just before showtime and I'm really intrigued. I would love to know why Robin is scared of what Kermit maybe reading in the letter. More please.
  18. Java

    The Great Adventure

    Is anyone really familiar with Germany and can give me an idea of what one might find around the Brandenburg Gate and how close it may be to some of the remains of the Berlin Wall?
  19. Java

    Err A-Parent

    So, Miss Piggy has a domestic side to her. Very interesting and very much liked!
  20. Java

    Kermie's Girl (ushy-gushy fanfic)

    So, that little chapter with stuff we had to know . . . loved it, and I'm so intrigued that I want even more details than that. I'm a little scared about that contract Miss Piggy signed without really reading just because it's here friend. Does it really say what she was told it says? Is this...