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  1. doozersticks

    Muppet Quest (A parody of Galaxy Quest)

    Disclaimer: I don't own the muppets in anyway shape or form or the galaxy quest name or characters affiliated with the movie. This is just a retelling of the hit movie. Muppet Quest It all begins with a scene being shown with a large ship that in a way looks like the van they drove in the...
  2. doozersticks

    Fan fiction: Muppet Quest (parody of Galaxy Quest)

    The fic is still on hiatus because I am having writers block but don't worry my fellow questarians. This fic will continues soon.
  3. doozersticks

    Fan fiction: Muppet Quest (parody of Galaxy Quest)

    Hey guys sorry my fic has gone on hiatus but trust me the rest will be up soon...
  4. doozersticks

    Stranger Than Muppet Fan-Fiction Presents "Who Ya Gonna Call?"

    Great Stuff...keep it up...
  5. doozersticks

    My Muppet art!

    really good stuff keep up the good work
  6. doozersticks

    Stranger Than Muppet Fan-Fiction Presents "Who Ya Gonna Call?"

    this fiction is really enjoyable...
  7. doozersticks

    Nora In Wonderland: A Dark Fairytale

    excellent work keep it up..
  8. doozersticks

    Fan fiction: Muppet Quest (parody of Galaxy Quest)

    Here is yet another helping of my fic "Piggy let's go." Scooter said. Piggy then walks away from Kermit as she, Gonzo, Sam and Scooter all climb into walks resembles the electric mayhem's bus. "You know, I think Kermit has really lost it this time." Scooter said. " I didn't think Ice...
  9. doozersticks

    Stranger Than Muppet Fan-Fiction Presents "Who Ya Gonna Call?"

    good stuff muppet writer...
  10. doozersticks

    Fan fiction: Muppet Quest (parody of Galaxy Quest)

    Here's some more.. Kermit begins to move as he slowly walks towards his living room. "I must be crazy." he thought to himself. "I'm not crazy, I was in space and it was it great." Kermit said out loud. "I have to go tell the others." Kermit said as walked over to get his car keys. Kermit...
  11. doozersticks

    Fan fiction: Muppet Quest (parody of Galaxy Quest)

    Here some more "Like commander you're needed on the command deck." Janice said as Kermit begins to wake up. "Is it morning already mom." Kermit said as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "Like commander who is this mom you speak of?" Janice questioned. "Oh I'm sorry do what?" Kermit asked...
  12. doozersticks

    Fan fiction: Muppet Quest (parody of Galaxy Quest)

    Part 2 Here's some more Questarians Kermit walks over to where Miss Piggy is standing as a Sigourney Weaver is standing there with an autograph glossy in hand. "On raxus nine when all hope was lost it appeared that you and the commander had a thing." Sigourney said as she anticipated Miss...
  13. doozersticks

    Fan fiction: Muppet Quest (parody of Galaxy Quest)

    Disclaimer: I don't own the muppets in anyway shape or form or the galaxy quest name or characters affiliated with the movie. This is just a retelling of the hit movie. Muppet Quest It all begins with a scene being shown with a large ship that in a way looks like the van they drove in the...
  14. doozersticks

    I made Fraggle Sims :D

    that is awesome...
  15. doozersticks

    Custom-Built Fraggle Replicas

    wow they look just like the puppets man..Good Job
  16. doozersticks

    What was your first Fraggle Rock episode?

    my first fraggle episode I remember was the minstrels. That episode is awesome.
  17. doozersticks

    Lucky Charms/Inspiration for Writing?

    I really don't have a lucky charm. I just write and write...Whatever is created the hour and a half I write. I go threw it and find something good.
  18. doozersticks

    Your Thoughts: Fraggle Rock Season 3

    I loved the Jerry parkes interveiw hopefully they'll have a cast reunion on the season four box set.
  19. doozersticks

    Never Been a Group of Friends Quite Like This!

    It's definatley interesting to say the least..
  20. doozersticks

    What's next for MuppetWriter's Fanfics?

    I loved it...