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    Your Avatar-explain Yourselves!

    Mine is from the John Cleese episode of TMS. Big Mama is devouring John's agent while his agent screams for help as he is devoured and then there is a sizzling sound of the stomach acid as his helpless agent is dissolved and sent to the large ( or small) intestine and then the opposite intestine...
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    Apple butter ever used in a preschool?

    Oh, I was goofin around dude. tee hee I think apple butter should work in birdfeeders if birds like apple butter...
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    Name Your Top 5

    I like Ernie :p & Bert :( and I like Count von Count, Oscar :grouchy:, and Big Bird
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    Pixar Vs. Dreamworks

    Oh, whoops... Sorry bout that..
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    SOMEONE'S HACKING Me!!!!!!!!!

    Beau,your avatar's posessed! HA! It's crazy! I like it :D
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    Pixar Vs. Dreamworks

    Might be the ONLY good CGI movie IMO...
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    A big holla to my friends from the Muppeteer auditions

    fozzie horror is that new fozzie with the eyes too far up..
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    SOMEONE'S HACKING Me!!!!!!!!!

    I thought you've always had that av...?
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    Good job! 500 more and you're at 6000! You'll probably be the third to reach 10,000
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    They need to make Elmo's world its own show!

    And along with what BEAR and Lowercase said, Elmo could also be part of the ensemble but still pop-up too. If Elmo's World is it's own mini-show, that doesnt mean Elmo cant pop-up on the Street as well.
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    How's the weather where you are?

    Through early mornin fog I see... Heh I love that song...
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    How's the weather where you are?

    You're still ankling Pepper?
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    How's the weather where you are?

    Heh heh.... It's 70's here...I had Eggs for breakfast, sandwich for lunch, and soup for dinner. And I dont want to be alone.. But somehow I always end up alone...
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    Old Forum: Need a picture next to your membername?

    I'm gonna come up with a newone soon as I get an idea...eesh..
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    MC going down on Fridays

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    Statler & Waldorf on

    Which one has Bobo in it?
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    Matleo? Isnt that another user on this forum?
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    Apple butter ever used in a preschool?

    Hammy: NO! I must not allow you to use mousetraps!! I shall control you! I will MAKE you not use mousetraps in the name of Rodentia! Nick: Hammy, go away. You're evil yourself.
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    Do you think Bert and Oscar are too much alike?

    Oh I remember that vividly. I dont remeber the dialogue, but I remember the look on Bert's face. :)
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    Need Help Identifying Classic Computer Program

    Oh, yeah I know what your talking about. My avatar is from that. It was Mac OS 8.6 and it was a cheat code. You could set up your Mac so that everytime you empty the Trash, Oscar would sing "I Love Trash". Unfortunately, it's not available for OS X (the new Macintosh) because of copyright laws...