Search results

  1. beatnikchick300

    Your Most Relatable Characters

    Hmmm, good question. Outside of the Muppets.... I'd have to say Lisa Simpson. We're both intelligent, Buddhist vegetarian activist chicks who often feel like no one understands us. Comic Book Guy, a little bit as well, because we're both comic book nerds who are uber-sarcastic and obsessed with...
  2. beatnikchick300

    What TV shows are you currently watching?

    Just got done watching Real Time With Bill Maher about an hour ago.
  3. beatnikchick300

    Super Muppets II: He's Baaaaaaack!

    Hey guys! Good news! Chapter one of the Super Muppets Sequel is ready to go! Here we go: Chapter 1: The Escape Our story begins in a town full of colorful characters. Or, more specifically, the city prison of a town full of colorful characters. On this particular evening, a portly security...
  4. beatnikchick300

    So, any gamers here?

    I'm a kinda-sorta gamer. I love playing Tetris online, and the Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog games.
  5. beatnikchick300

    Favorite Team-up

    What, no love for Johnny and Sal?:skeptical:
  6. beatnikchick300

    How old were you when you started liking Muppets?

    I was 13 when I became a bonafide Muppet fan. Being a typical trendoid teenage girl, I was semi-embarrassed about it, but now, at age 24, I couldn't care less what others think about it.
  7. beatnikchick300

    What lunch boxes did you have?

    I know I had a Lion King lunchbox when I was 9 and a Tiny Toons lunchbox when I was 4, but that's all I can remember.
  8. beatnikchick300

    I Ain't Doing It!

    Sounds like some of you guys need to take the train to Mellow Town.
  9. beatnikchick300

    The 'What Song Are You Currently Listening To?' Thread

    "La Vie Boheme"- Rent film adaption cast
  10. beatnikchick300

    My 4 year old niece

    That's cool. I have a four-year-old niece, too, but she's more into Disney Princesses, so I don't think she saw "The Muppets."
  11. beatnikchick300

    What is your strangest habit?

    *I like to eat scrambled tofu and vegan mac-and-cheese with ketchup. *If i find random intriguing essays online, I'll print them out and staple them together into a packet to read like a book. *I can burp the alphabet, and am working on doing it backwards.
  12. beatnikchick300

    Super Muppets

    :o Bad news, guys. As you might have noticed, I have not had the Super Muppets sequel up yet. I have started it, but I've been busier than I thought wth work during winter break, and haven't even gotten past the first chapter. But trust me, it's going to be awesome once I put it up (no, really :D).
  13. beatnikchick300

    Dealing with depression and anxiety

    Thank you for sharing. I've had depression since I was 16, and it's good to see I'm not alone. I wish you all the best. *hugs*
  14. beatnikchick300

    Super Muppets

    [trumpets sound] Hear me, hear me! The sequel to Super Muppets will begin to be posted next week! I wanted to start it after Christmas, so it could have my undivided attention. The working title is Super Muppets II: Walters' Revenge, but I think that might be a little too cliche. What do you...
  15. beatnikchick300

    Fan Poll: Favorite Muppet Christmas Production

    Very Merry is my favorite, then Christmas Carol, I've only seen a little bit of the Muppet Family Christmas, but what I've seen I enjoyed, I've never seen the John Denver special, and I did not like Letters to Santa at all.
  16. beatnikchick300

    What's your favorite part of holiday season?

    The music, the sounds of children laughing, and the challenge of making myself a vegan Christmas dinner. Oh, yeah, and trying to convince my mom to let our family celebrate Kwanzaa every year. :)
  17. beatnikchick300

    What is your wish for Christmas?

    World peace. But if not that, a new computer to replace the old-as-heck one I have now.
  18. beatnikchick300

    Scooter Appreciation Thread For The Most Underappraciated, Disrespected Muppet of Ever

    Yep, I think that describes Scooter perfectly.
  19. beatnikchick300

    Best New Muppet Poll

    As of now, Johnny Fiama, but I haven't seen the new movie yet.