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    This holiday season...

    I cant wait to see me! I wonder what I'll be saying. As long as what I say wont be used against me..o.O...;) PS: Pepper you done it again! You went and ziffled me doggone it!
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    Changing an e-mail address...

    Thats a good idea. I should get one for my site in general too ( by the by it's almost finished!!)
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    Today's Events??

    Does a "Today's Events" sign appear on the bottom of the main forum because of holidays? Because I've never seen that before.. Just Curious... Nick
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    Make the Simpsons Funny Again!

    Ah! Today I saw MacHomer on a field trip and it was great! That guy can do ALL the voices of the Simpsons and many more! There were also great references to other shows. And yes, there was a Muppet reference! I dont remember where Kermit popped in, but right after that fat guy said, " I'm a...
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    Your Avatar-explain Yourselves!

    It's good that we rotate avatars. It gets boring just one avatar for ever y'know.
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    Your Avatar-explain Yourselves!

    LOL. Now It's Hoots. Whatever happened to that Bear avatar, the first one when I came here? :) Oh, and this is from "Garfield In The Rough". Garfield needs a vacation but Jon decides to go camping to Garfields dismay...
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    Happy Halloween Dudes!!

    Yup, todays October 31st, the official Halloween! Happy Hallow's Eve!
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    Things You Wish You Didn't Know...

    I'll PM you Snowth. It's not all THAT bad,..( Just nervous..eeshh)
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    Fave user?

    HAHHA! Yeah I come up with new ones dont I, Snowthbo?
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    Things You Wish You Didn't Know...

    Whats an emo-boy? Anyway, I wish I hadnt read that one email I recieved ( and its from someone at school--( Hint: not one of my friends from school, but another person..:eek: and it's really bizzarre how they found my email address...yikes... )) MrsP! You Ziffled me! ha ha !
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    Fave user?

    I never posted here because of Hug Hug Kiss Kiss. But my huggles to: ( no particular order) Prawn-O BEAR Snowtho Dandan Vibs Beaumeister MrsP FRM RedDragon Effraylo Vic Romano Ziffmeister Kimpy FISH N WOLFE Daffyfan Erine81981 and many more!
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    Show me your world

    I know Vic, but whenever I post that picture I almost always get this: The image “so-and-so” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. Its OK though. I cant even find the original picture...
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    Show me your world

    The stupid thing went down AGAIN so I had to remove the link.
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    MC viewing troubles...

    LOL. What are you mutterin' at?? ( J/K!) ;)
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    MC viewing troubles...

    Yer welcome! There's a WHOLE nother thread tuotorial I made In the feedback section thingy...
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    My new Comic

    I know, the post didnt age quite properly ;). When I made that post, I had my comic strip character as my avatar but today I changed it to Jon.
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    Show me your world

    OK, lets hope this works: Me ( link removed)
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    Name Changes

    Oui, monsieur.
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    Tuotorial: Screen captures

    No, not to my knowledge is there a way to save the whole page...unless you download some special software ...