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  1. S

    Do you remember THESE live-action tunes?

    Trying How about the song "Trying". "Trying, and trying again to walk, or run, or climb Trying, and trying again It really takes such time Chicks in their shells, trying to get free Seeds trying to grow, to be a tree." The accompanying video showed an assortment of animals engaged...
  2. S

    What's your favorite Sesame 1-2-3's?

    When they rolled the "closing credits" at the end of the sequence (Today's cast, in order of appearance), they only gave billing to the 20 numbers that appeared. They did not credit, for example, the extra that they cast to step on the 15 and squash it. Or for that matter, the operators of the...
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    Sesame Street films

    Monkey film Wasn't there a monkey film that showed a simian swinging on a jungle gym to a piano soundtrack? I seem to recall that at the end, the monkey and the music came to a rest as applause sounded.
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    Sesame Street films

    The train film Oh yes, the train film. The soundtrack was an electric piano which mostly repeated the same flowing musical phrase. "Riding, on the train You can hear (feel?) the rolling wheels of the train. Rapid Transit Trains go there Dongan Hills to Union Square Buy your tickets...
  5. S

    Winter on Sesame Street

    Snow scene One snow scene that particularly stands out in my mind is when The Count approaches one of the male adults, who is about to shovel the snow off the top of the balustrade of the 123 stoop. The Count steps in and decides he wants to "count the snow" on the ledge there. The adult...
  6. S

    What's your favorite Sesame 1-2-3's?

    I actually thought that sounded more like a girl's voice, but... This sketch was unusual in that (a) a follow-up skit always came immediately after, and (b) said follow-up was one of two different skits, both of which were equally legit. In one follow-up, Ernie says "Hey that was a good...
  7. S

    What's your favorite Sesame 1-2-3's?

    When the narrator introduces each number, and the numerals are promptly destroyed in one way or another: In that case, the 17 wasn't called by the announcer, but by Cookie Monster himself. This was the way CM calls out the name of whatever it is he is about to consume. Usually "Coo-kie", but...
  8. S

    Favorite multi-part Muppet sketches?

    Ernie's Barber Shop Here's the "Ernie's Barber Shop" skit as best as I can remember. Bert encounters Ernie inside a storefront locale, with a sign that said "Ernie's Barber Shop". Ernie is dressed in a traditional barber's white button-down shirt. After Bert's initial disbelief in Ernie's...
  9. S

    Favorite multi-part Muppet sketches?

    Missing Rubber Ducky There was this one skit which opens with Ernie rummaging through some stuff in his apartment (a genuine Frisbee is seen being tossed among them) when Oscar suddenly appears and asks what's going on. Ernie responds, sadly, that his rubber ducky is missing. Ernie is very...
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    Skits that made you kind of sad

    This E+B skit had a kind of sad ending. Ernie is telling Bert it's time to them to hit the road because "...we've been planning this trip for a week" Bert is apprehensive about leaving the house because (approximately): B: I've got a purple hand. E: Why BERT! Your hand is purple, look at...
  11. S

    Anyone miss The Electric Company?

    Joan and Gene Not only did Joan Rivers do the narration on "The Adventures of Letterman", but Letterman himself was voiced by Gene Wilder. He didn't say that much, though. Sometimes his only line was "I'm Letterman", which came after Joan's "It's a word! It's a plan!" shpiel.
  12. S

    Mr. Hooper death episode

    Others who ran the store Among the Muppets who ran the store: Oscar, who Mr. Hooper convinced to mind the store with the allure of four large trash cans inside the store. But when Hooper returned, Oscar had taken most of the garbage out of the cans and "decorated" the store with it. For...
  13. S

    SS songs

    Who remembers these songs sung by the adults? -- "My name is David and I don't wanna change it, my name is David and I'm glad that it's mine." Guess who sang this one? I think this was shortly after David was introduced. -- "I live in the city, yes I do" This may have been Molly the...
  14. S

    Shape segments

    Triangle and Square segment. One of my favorite shape segments was an animation in which a triangle danced on to the scene to some catchy jazz music. Then a square quickly rolled in (think square wheels) next to the triangle, to the sound of a more "mechanical" tune. The triangle literally...
  15. S

    Anyone miss The Electric Company?

    SS/EC crossovers Other Sesame Street / Electric Company crossovers that I'd heard about, but don't remember exactly: -- Big Bird once visited Fargo North in his shop. -- some of the cartoons, like the 2001: A Space Odyssey monolith that crumbles to reveal "ALK" or some other letter...
  16. S

    A question about Cookie Monster!

    Cookie Monster public service announcement Does anyone remember when CM did a Public Service Announcement on commercial TV stations? CM was sitting at a table with a cloth in a grassy yard, presumably the backyard of his mansion, viz. his TV celebrity status. An unseen announcer speaks (as...
  17. S

    What sketches scared you as a kid?

    I had forgotten about that skit, but I do remember the monsters appearing at the end. Very scary. I think they "sprouted" up from behind the wall, one by one, as Kermit nervously continued his lecture with words along the lines of "...but now it seems we have fewer glasses and more monsters."...
  18. S

    Big, Bigger and Biggest skits

    A boy and a girl Muppet were arguing over this pitiful-looking cookie on a plate. Along comes Cookie Monster who says he will decide who gets the Cookie. Yeah sure, like a fox guarding the henhouse. Conversation from there went something like this. GIRL: "I wasn't born yesterday, you...
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    Ominous Sesame Street skit.

    For Dantecat, re: Skit Of David And Maria Trying To Get Married I want to say this was in 1975. Maria sounded basically the same, maybe with an unconvincing "crackle" attempt in her voice. The others talked kind of slow and jerky, but otherwise with the same voices. Bob and David were...
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    Malicious destruction of property

    I'm sure that the "National Counting Day" episode was in 1977. But I cannot say for certain if it was the 1976 or 77 season. For what it's worth, Roscoe Orman was already Gordon. They did a "One of these things" game in which 3 jars of beans were different from one larger jar of beans. I...