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  1. Count von Count

    New 2008 Kermit Wooden Nutcracker

    I have never seen a garden ridge.
  2. Count von Count

    Scooter badge/pin...rainbow, star, etc...Um?

    Do you have a photo of it?
  3. Count von Count

    American Express commercial with Jim Henson

    Jim Henson American Express. Hi Everyone, Just wanted to know if some one has a copy of I think it was made in the 70's. P.M me if you do. Also if you have ~~The Muppets 2002 mastercard ad. If you have that...
  4. Count von Count

    New Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself

    Wecome Every-one new!
  5. Count von Count

    New Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself

    Well-come New People!
  6. Count von Count

    How's the weather where you are?

    It's good out-side,but it might rain tonight.
  7. Count von Count

    The Dark Knight thread.

    I just saw The Dark Kight In a Drive-in. Yes a Drive-in. The movie was alsome! The Jocker was not creepy He just made you think, that's what I think. If some-one can help me, I want a Jocker Card (like one in the movie), I also want a 2-face coine. Thanks.
  8. Count von Count

    Muppet movie posters

    I like the Electric Mayhem picture, the others are cool to.
  9. Count von Count

    Disney greenlights "The Muppet Show" comics

    It's sad to me that there is going to be Muppet Comics, Because I was working on some myself. I do not know if I should finish what I have going, Or not. I think Now I have to come up with something differnet.
  10. Count von Count

    Your Thoughts: Studio DC Hosted by Dylan and Cole Sprouse

    you can fozzie Rowlf Beacker&Honeydew at the start of the show, when they say "with the Muppets" But that is the only time. They say Fozzie one time in the show two,though.
  11. Count von Count

    Fire Up The Electric Company: AmEx Members Project!

    Hi everyone, This is a up-date that I got on face-book, And thought I could help by telling you-all here at The Muppet Central. "Sesame Workshop is relaunching The Electric Company, and we need your help! American Express is offering a $1.5 million grant to a project that makes a significant...
  12. Count von Count

    Your Thoughts: Studio DC Hosted by Dylan and Cole Sprouse

    My sis. said that may might not of showed rowlf because that he was more Jim then the other muppets and that whould not of been right to show him(rowlf/kermit was a lot of jim himself, the show does't work with out kermit) -- You get what I'm saying? But it whould have been cool if they gave...
  13. Count von Count

    Your Thoughts: Studio DC Hosted by Dylan and Cole Sprouse

    Yes it was short! And make makes you think "Will they make a part2? That's want I want to know!
  14. Count von Count

    What Movie are you Currently Watching?

    Wakko wish in the summer! Ok.
  15. Count von Count

    What TV shows are you currently watching?

    Cool Oscar! I saw studio dc almost live!
  16. Count von Count

    Your Thoughts: Studio DC Hosted by Dylan and Cole Sprouse

    That was a lot better then I thought it whould be! If you have not seen it you should,and that's going from someone who does't like disney channel shows.(The Muppets made it funney) There is a alot of post aboat this show, That's cool! To know how many people wached it! Does someone think...
  17. Count von Count

    New Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself

    Welcome snowball & selphye!
  18. Count von Count

    Muppets to appear in Disney Channel TV special

    Yes it's going on soon. Do you think that disney will put it on DVD? I'm thinking of setting my VCR, (yes I still use a VCR)
  19. Count von Count

    What TV shows are you currently watching?

    What is your new DVD? Xgames Agin!