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  1. Rosewood

    Richard Hunt's Characters

    It makes perfect sense Each of these characters had such different personalities and voices! He was definately a man of many talents. Mabey that's why he is so hard to replace. In order to get voices that would sound like half the characters he portrayed, they would probably have to hire...
  2. Rosewood

    Richard Hunt's Characters

    On a more serious note...... I think mabey one of the reasons some of Richard Hunt's characters have not been revived is because there was simply no one that could match the wit and charm he put into his characters when he played them. He was a very talented person and I think that it is neat...
  3. Rosewood

    Richard Hunt's Characters

    "Elmo, where did we go wrong?!!" M.M.I.B. (Monster and Men In Black) Kevin Clash - "O.K. Elmo, people are obviously still noticing other characters here. Let's make an attempt to try this again." Elmo - "O.K. Kevin!" Elmo and Kevin suddenly apear on everyones computer screen, dressed...
  4. Rosewood

    Look at This!!!!! *shocked*

    Berts "unusual" face If you look at the face of bert, you will see it is a "burned in" picture of an actual person. When ever people who do graffiti, they almost always leave a signature of some sort. 10 to 1 this is acualy a picture of the person responsible for this, and is his way of telling...
  5. Rosewood

    Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches

    Finally, a person who won't think I'm crazy! When I first got married an my husband first saw me "buttering" my PB&J sandwich, he thought I was nuts! (no pun intended) The fact is, thats how my mother always made them, so the ritual kinda "stuck". Since then, though, I've had to start...
  6. Rosewood

    Possible Season 37 episodes

    "Here, here!" I agree with that!
  7. Rosewood

    They need to make Elmo's world its own show!

    A similar comparison I, also, don't see SS ending any time soon. But, then again, I never saw "Little House on the Prairie" ending, either. (And they ended their show by blowing everything up!):smirk:
  8. Rosewood

    Look at This!!!!! *shocked*

    Sorry for being paranoid..... Sorry for sounding paranoid. It's just that, after the last time I made a post and got a reaction like that, all you-know-what broke loose! Just don't want to repeat it.:o
  9. Rosewood

    what classic number segments can you remember?

    I'll start by first asking if anyone can remember the specific exact scripts of the "baker" number segments; 1-10. Any help would be greatly apreciated! But one old segment I'll start with was for #6: a little girl is turning 6 and says "I'm 6, I'm 6, I'm 6 years old today! I'm more than 1...
  10. Rosewood

    A couple more alphabet segments

    And here it is, strait. All the way from Episode 8! Boy: "A, B, CDE - There's an egg here on my knee." Girl: "F,G, HIJ - Brush the silly thing away!" Boy: "K,L, MNO - It doesn't seem to want to go" (pushing on it as he speaks) Girl: "P, Q, RST - Sorry pall, don't look at me!" (or...
  11. Rosewood

    Look at This!!!!! *shocked*

    could you elaborate on that? What exactly did you mean by this? I hope you weren't refering to my post.:concern: I was simply trying to help Furryred see these people for who they were so he wouldn't be so upset.
  12. Rosewood

    Look at This!!!!! *shocked*

    Another sad example of how sick people gan get. Don't let it get to you, Furryred. If you do, your just giving these sick creeps exactly what they want. Think about it. Every day we have a heck of alot more visitors on this web sight than actual members. And there are alot of people out there...
  13. Rosewood

    Possible Season 37 episodes

    Could you imagine........ Isn't it amazing that there are people out there working for SW who actually get paid good money to think up things exactly like this? Some people have all the luck! (LOL!):p
  14. Rosewood

    another thing I thought about today's SS.

    That's true That's true, he is married and has a good sized family in real life. (Kinda puts a squish on that suggestion someone put out there that he was possibly gay, doesn't it?)
  15. Rosewood

    I miss Kermit!

    A favorite Kermit sketch I just recently purchased a used copy of "The best of Kermit" and its a must for any Kermit fan! One of the sketches they show on it (totally remastered!) is the one where he recites the alphabet with the little girl who, every now and then, says "Cookie Monster!"...
  16. Rosewood

    Minority Characters

    Thank you for your kind words...... Thanks Ilikemuppets, for your kind words. They are greatly appreciated. And look what we acomplished! Here we had 2 seperate opinions, (and mabey we still do), but I think I can safely say that, by doing what we did here in the end, we have both earned the...
  17. Rosewood

    Sesame Street films

    Funny you should mention this........ You know, it's funny you should mention the fact that we tend to hear things different when were kids. When I first heard this song, and all the times I heard it as a kid, I always thought they were saying "Which come BIRD!" It wasn't until I was an...
  18. Rosewood

    I'm Ba-hack!

    Welcome "Home"! Glad your back, Nick! Hope you enjoyed your trip.:)
  19. Rosewood

    Sesame Street films

    Who remembers the "Kids" song (by Joe Rapoze)? I remember this song by heart. It goes: "Cats.... have kittens. Dogies... have pups. Horses....have pretty foals. Sheep....have lambs. Cows have calfs; and I bet you didn't know... that elephants have calfs, too! Lions and leopards have...
  20. Rosewood

    Sesame Street films

    I used to get scared the guy wasn't going to make it! I remember, on a few of the flips, it took him quite a bit of effort to rite himself again. As a kid, I remember being afraid he wasn't going to come up again. But, somehow, he always made it!