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  1. Beebers

    What do you like in your coffee?

    Yes, it's called Marsbucks. :D
  2. Beebers

    MC Photo Gallery

    :D careful now, They could be watching . . . :D
  3. Beebers

    What do you like in your coffee?

    I happen to come from Mars, where the coffee is quite good despite being freeze-dried. Real cream and either brown sugar, maple sugar or honey. :cool:
  4. Beebers

    MC Photo Gallery

    *sneaks Whatever a rubber chicken with Groucho Marx glasses* :D
  5. Beebers

    What do you want for Christmas?

    I want the Georgia cowboy I've just spent the past month falling in love with. :cool:
  6. Beebers

    Remembering September 11th

    The above post is disturbing me more and more, because impressionable young people will read this and may take it as gospel. You were in fact, ryoharbie, present in both Administrations cited, you were there and therefore know unshakably and can summarize in one foolish and uneducated...
  7. Beebers

    Remembering September 11th

    Bless his soul. :cool:
  8. Beebers

    Remembering September 11th

    The seeds of and the run-up to the Second World War were not quite that simple. It's an enormous, enormous subject which scholars spend their entire careers studying and understanding. The seeds were in fact sown before and during the First World War and within that conflict's aftermath. It...
  9. Beebers

    Remembering September 11th

    That's a great question. All of my older relatives, and their contemporaries, and my parents and grandparents were involved in those times either through actual service in the war or through Stateside war support efforts. The great distinction between Pearl Harbor and 9/11, while they were...
  10. Beebers

    Remembering September 11th

    The day itself was probably the most beautiful day I have ever seen in my lifetime. I'll never forget the pure color of the sky. I was gardening for a living at that time, out in the country, and often had to drive great distances from garden job to garden job. I had left one garden and was...
  11. Beebers

    MC Person of the Month

    ZOOT. :cool: :D :cool:
  12. Beebers

    Moment of Quiet

    I'm starting this, meant as a quiet space, please join me in a moment of silence and remembrance for all the victims of September 11, 2001 and their families on this the third anniversary of that day.
  13. Beebers

    Happy Birthday Zondra!

    Just don't go to Detroit. :concern:
  14. Beebers

    The Tragedy in Russia

    Thank you very much, core. I have been trying for days without success to find just such a thing. Now I can send condolences, albeit late. Thanks again. :cry:
  15. Beebers

    MC Photo Gallery

    LOL :D :D :D
  16. Beebers

    What's "sticky" mean?

    :) :cool: :)
  17. Beebers

    The Tragedy in Russia

    How can they do any of the things they do? Their souls are bankrupt. Many children were maimed or lost in the Oklahoma City bombing, and those bombers knew ahead of time that they would be - it was the employee onpremises daycare center for the building. One of my best friends has a sister...
  18. Beebers

    New movies coming out...

    I always thought Patrick Duffy was just hunk-a-rama. I watched Dallas faithfully every Friday night. The tree/leg thread was just starting to gain some momentum too, shucks. :(
  19. Beebers

    MC Photo Gallery

    *looks over shoulder nervously, hunches up collar of trenchcoat . . . * "psssst, hey - you know, could very well be a conspiracy, and Zoot's campaign quotes gone too . . . Zoot DID say he would not let Piggy redecorate the White House . . . controversial stuff, that. Can you hear the creepy...
  20. Beebers

    What's "sticky" mean?

    And they carry over from page to page. If you page through you'll see them "stuck" to the top of each page. :cool: