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  1. beatnikchick300

    Questions about anything

    I don't get that either. It doesn't look right. I don't split hairs (no pun intended) over my eyebrows, personally. If Naked Juice is so healthy for you, and everyone should drink it, why is it so darn expensive?
  2. beatnikchick300

    Fan-Created Muppet Movie Ideas

    Super Muppets! Not necessarily the fan fiction I wrote, but some kind of superhero parody would be cool.
  3. beatnikchick300

    Questions about anything

    I don't eat cheese; I'm a vegan.
  4. beatnikchick300

    Full House

    Not to get too off-topic, but aren't their plenty of blonde female superheroes? I'm pretty sure Bat Girl is a blonde. Oh, well, that's kids. Anyway, I loved this show (I still do). I'm not sure how so many people can say they hated it; I mean, TV shows don't last 8 seasons because no one's...
  5. beatnikchick300

    My Chemical Romance breaks up

    At the risk of sounding like a jerk, they were still together?
  6. beatnikchick300

    What do the Muppets mean to you?

    The Muppets mean a great deal to me. I got into them when I was about 12, and like a lot of preteen girls, was shy and unsure of myself (not just because people picked on me all the time, although I'm sure that didn't help). At a time in my life like that, being a fan of the Muppets helped me...
  7. beatnikchick300

    Most Underused Muppets?

    I agree with all the ones you guys above said, and I also think the green gentleman in my avatar needs more attention (although I guess they don't really know what to do with him without Sal. They should recast him, and the two of them should be seen more!).
  8. beatnikchick300

    Questions about anything

    Should I order a yummy cheeseless veggie pizza for dinner, or should I spend the evening slaving over a hot stove?
  9. beatnikchick300

    The "Who Has An Accent?" Thread

    According to an online quiz I took, I have a Western American accent (which is really funny, because I was born in Buffalo, New York, and have lived in the DC area for most of my life).
  10. beatnikchick300

    The Cleveland Show likely to be cancelled

    Makes sense. And perhaps MacFarlane getting the blame for his shows with which he's not much involved anymore, and his wanting the shows to end are not mutually exclusive.
  11. beatnikchick300

    The Cleveland Show likely to be cancelled

    Honestly, I wish all of his shows would end (even American Dad, which I used to enjoy). Just my two cents....
  12. beatnikchick300

    Remembering Jane Henson (1934-2013)

    RIP Jane, and my thoughts are with the Henson family.
  13. beatnikchick300

    What made you think today?

    I don't know about other gals here, but once I move out of my folks' house, I'm getting covered in tattoos (I even have some ideas of tattoos I want!). But anyway, I was actually thinking of something that happened to me years ago. I was telling a customer at my job about my veganism (she...
  14. beatnikchick300

    Your Least Favorite Things

    Let's see: Least favorite fruit: Pears. Blecch... Least Favorite Vegetable: Either lima beans or peas. Double blecch... Least favorite types of people: Those who harm the innocent (children, animals, etc.). Least favorite school subject: Math. Thank God I don't need to take any more math...
  15. beatnikchick300

    Hate Jessie

    I don't have a problem with nonwhite characters on TV shows (in fact, I'd like to see more of them; even more shows starring them [after all, I'm nonwhite myself ;)]). What I do have a problem with is every single nonwhite character having some grating stereotypical quality (the "sassy" black...
  16. beatnikchick300


    That's okay; I'm kind of used to that...:D
  17. beatnikchick300


    I'm going to be really honest. I wasn't a huge fan of this show when I was a kid, and to tell the truth, I'm still not, but I do love that sketch with those pigeons (they should have gotten a spinoff. Just saying...).
  18. beatnikchick300

    Hate Jessie

    If I may, I'd like to get this thread back on topic. I hate to sound like a schoolmarm/moral guardian, but I dislike that show, too, mainly because of how rotten those kids on it are. I don't expect every kid on TV to be a perfect angel (that would be pretty grating, too), but there is a gray...
  19. beatnikchick300

    Have you ever been bullied?

    Bullies are the worst. I had to deal with idiots like that from the time I was about 8 until I was 17, pretty much. I became clinically depressed when I was 16, and my dad went to school with me to have a meeting with counselors, where he pretty much asked them "doesn't my daughter have the...
  20. beatnikchick300

    The "What Are You Thankful For?" Thread

    Having a roof over my head, going to a good school, having a nice family who cares about me...