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    Vic Romano's Weekly Creative Muppet Visuals

    Naha, I love it! Great job! AND I DEMAND YOU SHOW ME THE REST OF THAT TEASER. NOW. Just foolin, I'll wait :)
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    T*K*O - "Taking it On the Spam"

    HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!HA! And more HA!s! My ALF-ness is coming out! *pounds table* I love me! nahahahahh! as Monty Burns would say, "Exxxxxcellent" Dude, this is the BEST! I Love it! Especially me! And you used my Nicktalk too, like 'Snowthy' :) Of course, even if I wasnt in it, it'd still be...
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    Any musical instrument players out there?

    I play acoustic guitar, keyboard, and violin.. PS: Sorry to bump but I didnt want to start ano'her thread..:o
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    Kermit game on NeoPets! There ya all go. You also have to be a member of :smirk:
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    Random Randomness

    nyuk is only nyahuck by any other name
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    New Christmas avatars!

    Alrighty. Sorry if it didnt meet your expectations :(
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    Animated Avatars

    I second that notion...
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    Its offical!!!! i have been here a year and 7,500 posts and i have no life

    Thanks Kimp! Hooray! Fun times! Stuff! Randomness! Whee...
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    I'm officially a SENIOR!!!

    Hooray! Welcome to the club!
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    PUPPET PROPOSAL (and I mean marriage!)

    Awesome! Congrats dude!! :)
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    Muppet Central: The Movie: Revisted

    *Spots G-Man* Nick: Hey! Hey there! I'm not harmed. Thats just a stupid rubber anvil * hits himself with it* * Turns around * Nick: Ernie! Say Ern, where are you!? *Hears Duckie* N: Thats his duckie! *follows duckie sound* N ( to himself): Boy, its so dark out-- *Ernie's Voice is heard--:p...
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    Animated Avatars

    So was my Snuffy one---Only 2 frames-60 x 60--4 KB--something aint right...
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    Muppet Central: The Movie: Revisted

    OOC: Do I go with anyone or am I a loner..? Sorry for the delay.... * Nick had jumped in the portal along with Ernie * N: Woah!! AAAHH! * Nick and Ernie fall on ground* N: Ack...well, where are we..? And do you know where the others are Ern? :p: No I dont. Looks like we'll have to do this...
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    New Christmas avatars!

    I made you a "Santa" Grover one. Note: You may have to save it to your harddrive and then upload it yourself.
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    Animated Avatars

    I had a blinking Snuffy one I made myself and it wont let me upload it! Grr!!
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    Got an apology letter from that store!

    YAY! Hooray! Hope you feel better! Hamster Hugs! <<<<<<<HAMSTER HUGS>>>>>>> ;) nyuk
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    Where exactly are you located?

    Oh, I didnt know you lived in Alaska! I just put myself there because....I did..hehehehe :)
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    T*K*O Quiz

    I dont think you can delete them..?