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  1. SJohnson


    New Swazzle Podcast! We have just launched The Swazzle Podcast. We will be posting puppet making videos, episodes of The Swazzle Workshop, behind the scenes videos, and more. If you like what you see, please help support it by clicking on the add at the end of each video. Enjoy...
  2. SJohnson


    Swazzle On Stage Update There has been a change in the Swazzle On Stage schedule. On November 18 and December 16, we will be performing one show at 1:00 pm. There are only two more opportunities to see Swazzle On Stage, don’t miss out! I hope you all can make it this Saturday! :)
  3. SJohnson


    We would love to travel to New York, but we don’t have any plans at this time. Traveling will become more of an option once we get our new stage and trunks built, something I’ll be working on in the next six months or so. If we do travel the nation, we’ll post the info on our web site.
  4. SJohnson


    New Swazzle Channel on YouTube We've just started a Swazzle Channel on YouTube. We will be posting The Swazzle Workshop videos and other Swazzle videos there, check it out:
  5. SJohnson

    Puppet Stages

    Thanks. You might also enjoy our behind the scenes section we have photos that show how we design our puppets, build our puppets, and paint our backgrounds:
  6. SJohnson

    Puppet Shows

    We don’t have any of our puppet shows online, but this behind the scenes video will show you what our shows are all about: We use “Muppet Style” puppets (also known as hand and rod puppets) in our shows. Our puppet shows are 45 minutes, and...
  7. SJohnson

    How to Make Puppet Eyes

    Puppet eyes can be made from just about anything. I did a couple of posts on the subject on my blog puppet 101 check it out:
  8. SJohnson

    Puppet Stages

  9. SJohnson

    Puppet Stages

    When designing a new stage , I would consider portability, durability, and set up time. Also consider where you will be performing. Our whole puppet show set up fits in the back of a Toyota Matrix - stage and all. People are always amazed that we can fit so much, plus two people in a...
  10. SJohnson


    Thanks! We have a lot of fun making the videos and writing the blogs. Its nice to hear that our hard work is being enjoyed and appreciated. :D
  11. SJohnson


    Hey everybody, We’ve just posted the newest episode of the Swazzle Workshop on Check it out and let us know what you think: :)
  12. SJohnson


    Wes, We’d love to tour the whole nation with our puppet shows at some point in the future, and a stop in Georgia would be great. As I’m sure you are aware, Atlanta is the home of the Center for Puppetry Arts. In fact Tim, one of our puppeteers is from Georgia and worked at The Center for a...
  13. SJohnson


    Renegade, Thanks for your kind words. I’m glad you liked the show. See you next month - bring friends!:)
  14. SJohnson

    Replacing A Puppet

    Many factors determine how long a puppet will last: how well it was built, what materials were used, how much (and how vigorously) was it used. I would guess that Kermit would last a long time because he is mostly fleece and is fairly durable. I’m assuming that Miss Piggy needs to be rebuilt...
  15. SJohnson

    Puppet Blog List

    Swazzle Blogs Over here at Swazzle we have a couple of puppeteer blogs. Puppet 101, by me, is all about puppet building: Puppet Design by Patrick is all about puppet design: Puppet U by Anita focuses on...
  16. SJohnson


    Puppet Show Tomorrow! Just a quick reminder that our puppet show Rex and Boots Super Sleuths is playing tomorrow at the No Ho Arts Center in North Hollywood. Show time are 11:00 and 1:00. Click here for more information: This past week we've been busy...
  17. SJohnson


    Sure, that's not a bad idea. How do you do that?:confused:
  18. SJohnson


    Swazzle On Stage this Saturday! Swazzle brings the second show in the Swazzle On Stage series this to the No Ho Arts Center in North Hollywood Saturday October 28. 11136 Magnolia Blvd., North Hollywood, CA 9160, 1818-508-7101, ext. 5 Oct. 28, 11 am & 1 pm: Rex & Boots Super Sleuths Lady...
  19. SJohnson

    See Jim Henson’s Puppet Improv Company Live in Hollywood!

    Puppet Improv in Las Vegas Puppet Up is coming to The Comedy Festival in Las Vegas this November. Check it out:
  20. SJohnson

    Puppetry Blog Favouritism

    I started my blog a while ago, and even though I have the best intentions, sometimes I get too busy to keep it updated (that reminds me, I have to update my blog:p - I'm going to do that right now! ). Anyway, I think starting your own blog is an excellent idea. It’s free fun and rewarding.:)