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  1. Rosewood

    Your Thoughts: Sesame Street Season 36

    Unfortunately, Elmo's World replaced alot of things..... Unfortunately "Elmo's World", along with the new format, brought a screaching halt to alot of dearly loved things and characters on SS. And it all started right at the begining of season 33, if I remember correctly, which was about 4...
  2. Rosewood


    I remember her.... I remember her. Her opening intro showed her playing a flute. I also remember another one named "Mike" whose opening intro showed him throwing a ball and then catching it, too. I always used to watch Zoom as a kid. I remember "The Barrell", the jokes, the "Zoom Doodles"...
  3. Rosewood

    Wanted: Unedited Muppet Family Christmas

    Wanna hear something crazy? Untill I joined MC I had never even heard of "Fraggle Rock", let alone seen it! And I still have yet to see it!:o This little get together being addressed here seems like the perfect way to get introduced. Has it been bought yet? None of the stores around here sell...
  4. Rosewood

    What's your favorite letter segment?

    Has anyone mentioned this one yet? Heres one I don't think I have heard mentioned yet: The "Beep Beep" I song(it seems to be written for the lower-case i) (A man in a tiny car that goes "Beep Beep!" now and then comes down a road to guitar music, then a voice starts to sing:) "Some of...
  5. Rosewood

    Guest Stars on Sesame Street list

    My guess would be they were simply making guest appearances I'm guessing they were simply making guest appearances like everyone else. Or are you refering to what kind of character or role they were playing? I do think it's very interesting that Gene Wilder was actually the person doing the...
  6. Rosewood

    Guest Stars on Sesame Street list

    Heres an interesting trivial fact....... People have been debating forever as to weather Snuffy came across to the viewers as being "real" or not before everyone finally met him. Well, in that particular episode, at first it seems as though it could go either way; that is untill he actually...
  7. Rosewood

    Why do some users have a + after their name?

    So here's another question.......... So if these + signs are refering to people on your buddy list (other than the moderators) than do people on ignore lists get - signs? And it's only logical that these would only be visible to you, right? I've noticed a similar situation when ever I...
  8. Rosewood

    PBS shows

    I've noticed this, also......... I've noticed that most of the old shows, such as Mr. Rogers Heigborhood, have been shoved to times like 4 a.m., and, like Mike said, almost everything shown at prime time durring the day is usually cartoons or pre-preschool material. The only explanation I can...
  9. Rosewood

    Look what happened to TA's old forum!

    Is it possible someone sent a worm or virus of some sort?
  10. Rosewood

    What will happen when Caroll Spinney retires?

    Carroll Spinney is, indeed an amazing person. I mean, how many people do you know, who are over the age of 70, and are still able to do half the things he is able to? I know people say that doing things that children enjoy doing is one way to stay young, and I've heard Carroll say that being Big...
  11. Rosewood

    Ideas for new word family skits

    Thats a great idea! I think thats a great idea! Not only would it give some of the classic characters more air time, it would also help get SS back on track doing what they were created for in the first place, REALLY helping kids learn! Here are some more possible word family ideas: How...
  12. Rosewood

    My SST Episode List

    Man, I hate it when I make mistakes! Man I hate it when I make a type-o when updating my list! What I meant to say was 1 disk per episode. That makes it easy for people to know how many disks to send. I always put 2 episodes per disk, and when that equation is used, it insures that you get...
  13. Rosewood

    Sesame sign and word skits

    Heres 2 Grover ones for ya'. First of all, who remembers the old film of Grover using a set of swinging doors to demonstrate the words Around, Over, Under, and through. He basically sings "around, around, around, around" as he runs around them, then he says "over" as he looks over them, "under"...
  14. Rosewood

    Is there a name for us?

    Whoah, people!!!! I am quoting myself for a reason on this. I apologize for that opening statement. I tried to take it back after it was posted, but unfortunately, I don't know enough about computers to know how to do it. I have tried erasing opening statements before by editing, and, for...
  15. Rosewood

    Sesame Street Dream

    I've had SS dreams in the past...... I have had quite a few dreams in the past about SS. Usually they have been centered around actually being able to meet someone from the human cast in person, which I have always wanted to do. Unfortunately, they don't usually last very long; the minute Elmo...
  16. Rosewood

    Sherlock Hemlock is on 123 Sesame Street!

    If you get a chance, watch episode #1 On the very first episode, they actually show you how an anything muppet is created. Gordon meets 5 faceless hand-puppets, all with different shapes and sizes for heads, and shows how just about "anything" can be made from them. He even describes them as...
  17. Rosewood

    Is there a name for us?

    How many people out there (besides me) saw this comming? Uh-hum. Okaaaaaay.:concern: And now to get back on the original topic of this thread: What should we call MUPPET fans? (meaning people who are fans of all muppets, not just one.)
  18. Rosewood

    My SST Episode List

    "Well, fix it, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry....." LOL! I remember that one word for word! Unfortunately, I havn't been able to come across it yet. But I'll keep my eyes and ears open for it!:p
  19. Rosewood

    What will happen when Caroll Spinney retires?

    My kids loose interest, too, and I've heard similar statements all over the internet. In light of all this, I would really like to know where SW get's off saying "Elmo" and "his world" are still the #1 choice of all kids everywhere! I would also like to know what these results were being based...
  20. Rosewood

    Seller Feedback

    Thanks Guys! Just to clarify one thing, though...... I really appreciate the good words. Thanks guys! But just to clarify one thing for people who may be reading this: I don't actually "sell" per-say, I just trade. For people who don't have anything to trade, I accept empty discs as payment...