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  1. Beebers

    Greetings again everyone!

    Zack, cool, check in now and then, we're all still crazy here. *grins maniacally* :D :D :D
  2. Beebers

    Becoming a Grandparent at a young age

    If you're 71 years old you were born in 1933. To have had a son in 1949 you would have been 16 at the time. You obviously got around early. For his son, your grandson, to have been born in 1967, his father, (your son) would have been 18 years of age at the time, and you would have been 34...
  3. Beebers

    Lack of Motivation

    Yes it does. :) :) :)
  4. Beebers

    Lack of Motivation

    Maybe it's the holidays - I get that way, this time of year, because I feel STRONGLY that the entire month of December should be reserved for Fun And General Laziness Only. Regular life is just plain intrusive during December. ;) :) ;)
  5. Beebers

    Puppet Coach needed!

    This is correct, and by all accounts it's pretty stressful. I hope she fares well and posts how it went. :concern: :sympathy: :concern:
  6. Beebers

    Lack of Motivation

    That seems extreme. How about a nap instead? :) :) :)
  7. Beebers

    Are you a Boy or a Girl?

    I stand/sit/lounge around corrected lol. :D :) :D
  8. Beebers

    Days that make you go ARRRGGGHHH!!!

    Well, traces of accents and aural influences tend to hang on a long time. Tom, my fiance, and I are on the phone all the time because we're separated by major distances these days, and I'm the first Northerner he's spent extended periods of time talking to on a daily basis. Initially his Deep...
  9. Beebers

    Bad Baby Names

    Elderly . . . hmmmmm . . . must have been the real one. Eeeek lol. Do you know, that house is a B and B now? People pay to stay in the rooms where the murders took place. Eeeeew. :concern: :eek: :concern:
  10. Beebers

    Bad Baby Names

    Lady Bird's real first name is Claudia, but I've forgotten the story behind the Lady Bird nickname. A great great woman, could have done a lot better husband-wise. :)
  11. Beebers

    Days that make you go ARRRGGGHHH!!!

    *throws crate of giant muffins to Whatever* :D
  12. Beebers

    MC Photo Gallery

    At the beginning of this thread many pages back you'll see that it went to a vote and Phil said we'd have something and here we are. No idea whether or not it'll ever happen but I'm very glad to see continued interest in having one, all this chat might help to spur things along. :) :) :)
  13. Beebers

    Bad Baby Names

    My Anders doesn't but he certainly could fit the bill nicely, he's pretty hillbilly albeit an intellectual one. There must be an Anders somewhere who is in a hillbilly band. Oh, how about the boxer George Foreman? He has five sons and named all of them George. Easier to keep track of 'em all...
  14. Beebers

    Are you a Boy or a Girl?

    Yummy. :) :) :)
  15. Beebers

    Are you a Boy or a Girl?

    Egads, just be yourself. Sometimes I wear it, sometimes not, depends on whether or not I've got the patience to put it on any given day. And not a lot of it when I do. But I don't care if I don't get around to it either. I do color my hair, it went mostly grey, an ucky grey, not a spiffy...
  16. Beebers

    Are you a Boy or a Girl?

    To all the guys/men/hunksalove/dudes posting in this thread, love your posts, hot dang, buncha hot guys out there. COOL. :flirt: :flirt: :flirt:
  17. Beebers

    Bad Baby Names

    That's a hilarious post. Royal Blue? Are you serious? Davina is a beautiful name, just was arrived at circuitously, that's all. One of my best friends is named Anders, from an old family surname. Not Anderson, just Anders. He always goes by Andy but I love his actual name. People go about...
  18. Beebers

    To the long time posters...

    Yes. lol. :cool:
  19. Beebers

    Something sad happened to somebody here....

    Those sorts of things are all seared into my mind; dates, times, the weather at the time, who was there, every detail. It's impossible for me to imagine vagueness with this stuff but I'll take peoples' words for it.
  20. Beebers

    Weird Email!!!

    Stay away from any and all e-mails like this. They have indeed been around forever, first in snailmail form years ago. They show up in variant forms of the above, sometimes with different names or scenarios but inevitably to do with some Godforsaken country like Zimbabwe or something. (Which...