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  1. gonzosgirl1987

    Gonzo Plush 2011

    he looks so much better awesome job!!
  2. gonzosgirl1987

    Your Muppet holy grail

    aww she's beautiful no matter what kind of roll she plays i love miss piggy :)
  3. gonzosgirl1987

    kermit phone

    i'm looking for one of the old vintage kermit phones either the candlestick or the regular does anybody know if they are considered a high collector's item?
  4. gonzosgirl1987

    Just got all three Master Replica Muppets

    so now its official he paid for animal and kermit today so they will be on the way i already recieved gonzo and i love him :concern:
  5. gonzosgirl1987

    Just got all three Master Replica Muppets

    bahaha i didn't know there was a song and everything
  6. gonzosgirl1987

    Just got all three Master Replica Muppets

    thank you :rolleyes:
  7. gonzosgirl1987

    Just got all three Master Replica Muppets

    he did but he knew it would make me happy :D
  8. gonzosgirl1987

    Just got all three Master Replica Muppets

    it is my tattoo i love the muppets in all forms :)
  9. gonzosgirl1987

    My Muppet Collection

    this is absolutely beautiful i was really happy to see that you have the replicas i just got all three and was wondering how to display them but i bought an ikea cabinet which looks exactly like yours so i'm hoping that it works!!! your collection is breathtaking :eek:
  10. gonzosgirl1987

    Jim Shore's Muppet Tradition Statues

    i have kermit out of this collection and i plan on getting gonzo and animal i'm very happy with my kermit but rest that i did not mention did not catch my interest :)
  11. gonzosgirl1987

    Just got all three Master Replica Muppets

    but i wanted to share my love for the muppets and share with everyone that my fiance just bought me all three master replica muppets :D