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  1. F

    sketch questions?

    hi everyone, while racking my sesame street memory, i've remembered 2 sketches but do not know the entire story of each of them. if you know any more details, please let me know: 1) one where ernie wakes up to find cookie monster in his bed and screams "AAH! there's a monster in my bed!"...
  2. F

    Sesame Street episode guide coming soon

    I would help out with the episode guide if I had extensive knowledge of the episodes, but it's been so many years since I've seen an episode of SS in full detail! I'm sure that once the episode guide is in progress, some of the episodes will come back to me. ~Dana~
  3. F

    Sesame Street storybook

    Hi all, When I was very young, my aunt had a copy of the Sesame Street storybook (don't know if I even still have it) and she had given it to me as a hand-me-down because I always asked to hear a story from it. It included stories such as "The Magic Apple," "Herbert Birdsfoot Explains the...
  4. F

    Classic Songs

    here are my additions to the list: ABC-DEF-GHI Elmo's Song One of These Things The People in Your Neighborhood What's the Name of that Song? The Yip-Yip Song Bein' Green What Do I Do When I'm Alone? ~Dana~
  5. F

    Happy Birthday gorgonmanistan

    happy birthday, gorgonmanistan! ~Dana~
  6. F

    Why did you choose your user name?

    my username For those of you out there who are SS enthusiasts like me, you will very well know that "Fuzzy and Blue (and Orange)" is a classic SS song/sketch. It also describes Cookie Monster, who is one of my favorite characters. Some people have asked me, "who is your username describing?"...
  7. F

    Today's letters...

    From what I remember, they would feature 2 letters and one number. For instance, I can recall one episode where it was "brought to you by the letter N, Z, and 0." ~Dana~
  8. F

    What I think today's SS should have

    I have not watched SS in full detail in about 8 years or so, and if they added that to the current show, I would definitely start watching it when there's nothing else on TV. It's going to be about 10-20 years until I have kids (if anything), so who knows what'll happen? ~Dana~
  9. F

    What's your favorite Sesame 1-2-3's?

    I haven't seen SS that recently to remember what my favorite counting segment was, but "Count it Higher" is quite a catchy song..I do have a vague memory of it. ~Dana~
  10. F

    New Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself

    hey amber! welcome to the forums! my name is dana, and you'll see my introductory post a few above yours. I'm just a little bit younger than you...I'll be 16 in 2 weeks from today :) ~Dana~
  11. F

    Happy Birthday The Good Doctor

    are we referring to Dr. Demento here? if yes, then Happy Birthday! ~Dana~
  12. F

    Books featured on Sesame Street

    I can remember Zoe and Ruthie (correct me if I'm wrong) reading "The Quiet Cricket." anyone else remember that? ~Dana~
  13. F

    I can't remember my fovorite skit

    hey hehe, i remember teeny little super guy! i can recall my mom singing that song a lot, but I forget what the sketch was about. ~Dana~
  14. F

    Sesame Street Walkaround List

    oh thanks SesameStreetGuy...didn't know that. ~Dana~
  15. F

    What's Prairie's Problem?

    Anyone remember this sketch? I have a vague memory of it from watching SS during my childhood, and I do remember that Prairie Dawn wanted to do something but a certain restriction impeded her from doing so, and the contestants had to guess why she couldn't do it. I forget the other details, so...
  16. F

    Sesame Street Walkaround List

    walkarounds Someone I know who works at Sesame Place told me that he walked around or was in a show as Jackman Wolf, just as an add to your list. ~Dana~
  17. F

    Glad to be back

    welcome back, trekkie! i don't know you too well because i'm pretty much a newcomer here, but nice to meet you, my name is dana (aka Fuzzy and Blue). i'm assuming your username comes from the character Trekkie in "Avenue Q." I'd really like to see that someday, but my parents think it's a little...
  18. F

    New Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself

    hi nice to meet you kyle! i hope I continue to rack up the posts if you have AIM, my current screen name is Pinky0322. ~Dana~
  19. F

    What are your stories?

    about me I'm 15 (will be 16 in a little less than 3 weeks) I found this forum through a search engine I grew up watching Sesame Street in the 90's but have just recently learned to appreciate it as being appealing to all ages after years of deeming it "little kid" material. When I was about...
  20. F

    New Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself

    hello all Hello everyone, I'm a relatively new member. For those of you who do not already know me, my name is Dana (AKA Fuzzy and Blue). I grew up watching Sesame Street in the 90's but have just recently learned to appreciate it as appealing to all ages after years of deeming it "little...