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  1. We Got Us

    Everybody Has a Song

    SSQQUUEEEE!! I totally love your avatar! Nigel is super-cute!!
  2. We Got Us

    Miss Kermie, Figgie, and Wiggie present: A story!

    All right, here it is, whipped up on the spur of the moment. Hope I did OK with your character Jaz, I really like her! And Figgie, are you not going to guest star yourself? Whatever you pick is OK, but if you decide to, jump on in! The water is fine...;) Chapter Three: The day was nice...
  3. We Got Us

    Miss Kermie, Figgie, and Wiggie present: A story!

    Wowzers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -That's all I am able to say right now, because...well...for many reasons. I kinda thought we were doing this in a conversational mode instead of...well ..>turning red< now I'mma have to post it on a real line?! For other people to read?! Wowzers. Plus, don't spring this...
  4. We Got Us

    Everybody Has a Song

    >wipes away stray tear< Excellante! Bravo! And I will be back in the near future for a proper review! Meanwhile, hugs and warm blankets and many, many muffins for both Boober and Mostlikemokey who have been through a lot.
  5. We Got Us

    Unofficial Picture Thread!

    Aww! You really are!! <3
  6. We Got Us

    The "I Did Something Stupid Today" Thread

    Lol! I do that all the time! Or, when your talking on the phone and doing laundry and throw your phone into the dryer and don't notice for about two minutes. :p Yes, it's possible.
  7. We Got Us

    The Daydream Believer and the Prom Queen

    First off, before I even read it, I have to tell you how happy you made me with that title. I LOVE that song, and it has ALWAYS reminded me of Piggy and Kermit to the point of bringing tears to my eyes. >sniffle, sniffle< I'm getting weird now. Going to go read!
  8. We Got Us

    A Heart of Gold

    Seconding both of your posts, and at the same time, sympathizing with Lisa. :p Now I will sing: "TooooooooMORROW! Tomorrow! She might write more! Tomorrow! Your only...a night of sleep and five hours of class away!!" :sing:
  9. We Got Us

    Having Each Other (Ush-Gush)

    Aww! A Fozzie lover! I've always wanted to meet one! ;) He's adorable, ain't he? But don't worry about me...I'll stick to Scooter....:D Thanks for liking my story by-the-way!
  10. We Got Us

    Having Each Other (Ush-Gush)

    Hey Fig! Back from my hair appointment. In case your wondering how it looks, this is pretty much it: Love what you've got here, longer review to come but I'm about to get ready for school tomorrow. So is this Mr. Widow (whom I do love, but I have severe arachnophobia :o) a muppet spider or...
  11. We Got Us

    They've only Got One Another: A Muppet Christmas Story

    Wowzers! I'd given up on getting your review. By-the-way, you should know I've been a Newsmanfan since birth. As a tiny-tot I used to cry whenever bad things happened to him. :o So very glad you enjoyed the story, I plan on writing a few more in the future...anyway, I've enjoyed several of...
  12. We Got Us

    Having Each Other (Ush-Gush)

    <- That right there, that is a great idea. fact, that should be a story. ....scratch it, that WILL be a story someday. I'm adding it to my one-shots gallery right now. You've doomed you namesake, Newsie dear, and I'm giving you ALL the blame. ;):shifty:
  13. We Got Us

    The Muppets and the Dark Crystal

    Oh wow! Doc Hopper! Mind blown! Can only talk in capitals! Awaiting more!
  14. We Got Us

    Having Each Other (Ush-Gush)

    Yay Sesame Street!! >feels warm and cuddly all of a sudden< Very, very cute stuff Fig! The second bit is adorable too...but maybe Kermit needs to rethink two beds...after all, his darling pregnant, mood-swing prone bride might just kick him out into the couch some nights. The line about not...
  15. We Got Us

    The Muppets and the Dark Crystal

    YAYAY!! GO BOBO AND DEADLY! >jumps up and down with pom-poms< Best series ever! Can't wait to see what's left...
  16. We Got Us

    The Muppets and the Dark Crystal

    That whole chapter made me "AWWWW!!!" Especially Kermit and Scooter's sweet little moment, and Bobo at the end! And Wembley! How did I forget him? The love level is increasing exponentially.....:-)
  17. We Got Us

    Having Each Other (Ush-Gush)

    >tries really hard not to muffin the thread more< >fails< I understand completely that 'professional' is a real word and I know it's definition well. My point was that this is fan-fiction, and like you said, if the word 'professional' calls for published works, then it's almost meaningless on a...
  18. We Got Us

    Life's A Not-So-Happy Song

    Great picture! So I'm assuming we meet this older Pepper soon?
  19. We Got Us

    Life's A Not-So-Happy Song

    Ok....awesome! A lot to love in this chapter, so I'll start with: The whole concept. Poor Boober as an unexpected father, a word I can't find in the dictionary. Suffice it to say, it works. And it works well. And I'm gonna be up all night thinking about ways to make that...
  20. We Got Us

    Life's A Not-So-Happy Song

    SSQQQQQUUUUUUUEEEEEEE!!!! Sorry. You mentioned a Fraggle hug. Have to make that noise. ;)