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  1. FletchySRF3088

    Happy Birthday FletchySRF3088

    I'm so sorry I've only just seen this thread! Thanks very much, guys! :) Thanks for the sweet inside joke, Gonzo's Hobbit and for the awesome News Flash, newsmanfan! Hope it one day becomes a reality ;) A man can dream...
  2. FletchySRF3088

    The RHLC!

    Been a while since I've posted here. Hello again, fellow Richard Lovers! :) I come bearing a Richard-related video too. People have probably already seen this, not just in youtube, but I can also assume the full version of this is available on the Fraggle Rock DVDs in the US. On Sunday 15th...
  3. FletchySRF3088

    The New Movie: The Muppets

    I was wondering if Pepe was going to be in this movie or not since, suprisingly there's been no sight of him with all these behind the scenes pics. There's also been no sign of Rizzo too, I've noticed. I know this is an attempt to bring back the vibe of the first three films and TMS, and if it's...
  4. FletchySRF3088

    New Pics: Jason Segel and the Muppets at the L.A. movie set

    I have to admit I'm not too pleased with the Ricky Gervais cameo, and the photo of (and what I assume will be a scene with) him and my favourite muppet.... ugh, I don't obsessively hate him or anything but I would be lying if I said it doesn't bug me haha. I apologize to people who like him but...
  5. FletchySRF3088

    Fraggle Rock DVDs in the UK

    Oh ok. That doesn't bother me too much. Funnily enough, I've only really seen the American Version. Does the DVD have the extras though? (documentaries, etc)
  6. FletchySRF3088

    The RHLC!

    Yeah that's my concern too. For me, MFS wasn't bad, the first half of the film is much better than the second half IMO. I think with the more recent projects like the viral videos and the episode of Extreme Makeover earlier this year (which I haven't seen yet but I know The Electric Mayhem are...
  7. FletchySRF3088

    Fraggle Rock DVDs in the UK

    I noticed a few days ago on and that the Fraggle Rock Season One DVD is now available it seems, and the Second Season will apparently be released on 21st February 2011, as will the animated series. I'm just wondering if anyone in the UK has the DVD yet and knows if the extras...
  8. FletchySRF3088

    The RHLC!

    Wow, been absent for just over two months. So sorry I disappeared after inquiring about Jane Hunt's health. So glad that she's ok and still with us, keeping Richard's legacy alive. Starting to get more and more excited about the new Muppet flick, esspecially now with the build up and more...
  9. FletchySRF3088

    The RHLC!

    Hey Guys n' Gals! Haven't posted here for a while. Just thought I'd post an articile from The Muppet Mindset today on Richard's life and career But also, not to bring it down, but I'm a little confused, worried and concerned about the last line that reads "This post is dedicated to the...
  10. FletchySRF3088

    You might be an obsessed Muppet fan if...

    Whenever you're feeling really sad, or dare I say - blue! you listen to "I'm going to go back there someday" and feel a little bit lighter
  11. FletchySRF3088

    The RHLC!

    Yeah, that's something I've been thinking about lately - Richard and Steve working together. There was the pairing of Scooter and Bean Bunny in the Disney World special, which I think is a shame we didn't get to see more of. I think Steve clearly loves and respects Richard as much as we do...
  12. FletchySRF3088

    The RHLC!

    Well, it's the 16th right now in the UK since 9 minutes ago as I post this, so Happy Birthday to a great guy! Thank you for keeping us entertained even after you left us, and leaving some wonderful characters for us to enjoy ;):flirt::eek: Referring to Scooter and getting his character right...
  13. FletchySRF3088

    The RHLC!

    Hey guys! Feels like a while since I last posted here! Wish I could've gone to the Muppet Vault event but alas, living all the way in England tends to be a bit of an obstacle. For some reason, I had it in my mind that today would've been Richard's birthday, Thank goodness, I just looked it up...
  14. FletchySRF3088

    The Brand New Ask Jim Lewis Thread

    Wow, first time I ask a question here and it actually got answered, I can't believe it! haha. I'm sorry if I sound like some star-struck fan boy or something but it's the first time I've ever had the courage to do one of these or thought of a good enough question. Thanks, Jim for answering and...
  15. FletchySRF3088

    The Brand New Ask Jim Lewis Thread

    Thanks so much, dwayne1115! I'm so glad it's been deemed worthy to be sent to Jim Lewis heh :) I've always wondered about Scooter's disappearance and many recasts, I've read fan speculations and what-not which do seem to make sense but I've always wanted to ask someone who's worked in the Jim...
  16. FletchySRF3088

    The Brand New Ask Jim Lewis Thread

    (I don't know if this has been asked before but I thought I'd give it a shot) Hi, Mr. Lewis! Long time reader, first-time asker. As a big Scooter and Richard Hunt fan, I couldn't be more happy to see the go-fer back and with a permanant performer this time it seems. I'm sorry if I sound like...
  17. FletchySRF3088

    You might be an obsessed Muppet fan if...

    I was thinking Sam as Potter too, particularly Potter when he first came the 4077th. But then again, part of me is thinking he might make a good Frank in a way. Father Mulcahy was at the piano a few times, I dunno, maybe Rowlf could play him haha. And as for Scooter or Robin as Radar. I think...
  18. FletchySRF3088

    You might be an obsessed Muppet fan if...

    That's a great idea! I love M*A*S*H! I'm guessing Kermit would be Hawkeye, Fozzie (Trapper/ BJ), Scooter (Radar), Gonzo (Klinger). That's my assumption anyway.
  19. FletchySRF3088

    The Rainbow Connection: Richard Hunt, Gay Muppeteer [Poughkeepsie, NY]

    Hey, David, thanks for joining! :) heh, I can't resist the go-fer either ;)
  20. FletchySRF3088

    The RHLC!

    Muppet Newsgirl & Nekoshema - They sound like some really kewl and poignant dreams too! I also love the image of Richard with Scooter on his arm in the woods to comfort you. It kinda reminds of a story I heard from a fan on one of the early MuppetCast's where when this guy was a kid, he got to...