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  1. bandit


  2. bandit


    Haha that's totally me roo. A whoppin 5ft 2 and everyone thinks i just started college. Good genes and immaturity go a long way.
  3. bandit


    SOUND like. I have no idea what you actually look like behind that shaggy littke icon of yours. :) are you tall? Lol
  4. bandit


    BUT DO so! We can all discuss it after! *_*
  5. bandit


    *arches a brow* Oh dear. That sounds rather formal. I picture a perfect Victorian era gentleman saying this, while checking his pocket watch and rubbing a smudge off the face with his lambskin gloves.
  6. bandit


    GAH! It's all over the place, goofus! Besides, we don't know anything else about it. ^_^ just that a bunch of Brit characters are going to be showcased like this.
  7. bandit


    7:30 Eastern so 6:30 for me here on Central time. I guess it depends on where you are, Mr. Hubert. Yeah, I read somewhere that it's all going to come down to a giant Voldemort fighting Mary Poppins. That is absurd......and wonderful! *_*
  8. bandit


    AH! Yes! That would be the best, wouldn't it? Unfortunately, our own DVR service seems to be down right now. *shakes fist* How dare you!? Well, it's okay. My sister still has a working DVR. I'll enlist her to record....EVERYTHING! BWAHAHAH
  9. bandit

    Henson issues statement about Chick-Fila-A

    Okay, so while I think 'HATE' may be too strong a word to use for what Christians feel....I do tend to agree with pretty much everything else this girl has to say. Check it out!
  10. bandit


    WOOHOO!!!!! TODAY IS THE DAY!!!! -FINALLY!!!- ^____^ All the nail-biting, edge of your seat action spectator-ship can finally BEGIN!!!!
  11. bandit


    Oh trust me. I haven't been kicked off of here yet. You are surely safe. ^_- But yes!!! YAY!!! I'm glad someone is excited here with me. Sadly, I can't get anyone nearly as pumped around here. There's a chick from work who is excitedb ut Is ee her maybe once a week. o.o We have like 5 minutes...
  12. bandit

    Henson issues statement about Chick-Fila-A

    I think we have to be very careful when making a blanket statement like that, though. You can't just say 'Christians do this' or 'Liberals do that.' That's a gross generalization. The problem is always going to be that when you have the people that preach the loudest, they are going to tend to...
  13. bandit


    BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! YES! I am most DEFINITELY watching tomorrow....and every other day I can manage to watch it. I'm seriously going to try to catch as many different sports as I possibly can. It will be amazing! Well, I hope it will be. One thing I can't stand is when I watch a sport and...
  14. bandit

    Ack! I need help......

    I always liked that one pretty well. I think, though, Can You Picture That is my favorite of those songs. ^_-
  15. bandit

    Fraggle Rock: The Best Of Red UK DVD Aug 27th

    That's pretty cool! Oddly, I never liked Red's Club as much as the others in this collection. I know that its one that Karen didn't actually do the Muppeteering for and that the voice was prerecorded. I think even before I knew that was what happened, I always felt like there was something OFF...
  16. bandit

    Henson issues statement about Chick-Fila-A

    Yeah i noticed that too. That just makes the whole thing that much shadier. I don't buy it. Not for a minute. Without the controversy driving them to pull their toys, that whole statement would become completely unnecessary. Besides, anyone with half a brain can put two and two together. And...
  17. bandit

    Henson issues statement about Chick-Fila-A

    Here's the thing, guys. This isn't a 'gay' thing. It's a 'people' thing. Bottom line, I don't like any kind of person to be treated differently. It isn't right. In general, I love people. Guys, girls, Christians, Muslims, atheists, Buddhists, Scientologists...I don't care. 'Peoples is...
  18. bandit

    Henson issues statement about Chick-Fila-A

    Hahahaha! You know, going back and reading their little sign again about the toys, what stands out as funny to me is that there have been no reports of injuries. "Oh yes yes. These items might be dangerous if someone were to eat them and choke on them like an idiot." I mean, ANYTHING can hurt...
  19. bandit

    Henson issues statement about Chick-Fila-A

    Pinky @ the counter. "Um yes I'd like a number 3 and one of those wicked little toys that kills children? Thanks."
  20. bandit

    Henson issues statement about Chick-Fila-A

    Which doesn't strike me as very Christian or mature. But obviously, yes, there are certain things that aren't going to fall into that 'Live and let live' category. I was referring more specifically to us here and to people who weigh in on this issue. Then again, you could make the argument...