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  1. WebMistressGina

    RED ALERT! "The Muppets" fans need to contact ABC **NOW**!!

    So...I meant to add that, my brain has already started on season 2 'episodes' if IF the show doesn't get picked up or if it DOES, my stuff will of course be fanon and not canon, but if anyone would like to see those (cause right now they are ideas that may never see the light of day), let me...
  2. WebMistressGina

    RED ALERT! "The Muppets" fans need to contact ABC **NOW**!!

    From the comments about the show here, the fan base DID reject it because it wasn't Jim Henson based. Now, again I happen to love MTM (it's my second favorite movie of the 'originals'), but I also liked MMW, though not for the storyline per se (I really don't understand how the others could have...
  3. WebMistressGina

    RED ALERT! "The Muppets" fans need to contact ABC **NOW**!!

    That's the problem, TBH. Parents. Yes, typically parents will sit a kid down to watch something that they enjoy and depending on the age (under 5 is better), most kids will enjoy whatever you let them watch because, duh, you're letting them watch TV, which for me at least, was a treat that was...
  4. WebMistressGina

    Desert Delay

    :flirt: You're a dear, of course. Thought up something new for 2 Ball, so I might work on that this weekend. But first, I must fulfill my duty and update this TNG thing I started.
  5. WebMistressGina

    Desert Delay

    Ugh, no. It should be Desert Delay. It was early, I only had one cup of coffee, I hadn't know, my normal excuses for forgetting the obvious.
  6. WebMistressGina

    The Muppets SPOILER Thread

    Okay, so I have to ask cause I've already spoiled myself - why are they heading to Thailand? Is that Piggy going on vacation in Thailand? And why Thailand?
  7. WebMistressGina

    Two Ball Waltz

    The updates continue! After months and months of just sitting on this, the muse kicked into high gear to give you this next section. If you're just turning in (or, like me, have totally forgotten what the heck this things was about), here's your obligatory summary! SUMMARY - Scooter Grosse had...
  8. WebMistressGina

    Bogen County Farewell

    Counters...I see you lurking around here. That's 3 stories down for me :p And yes, unless the muse has other ideas - which, duh, it will - 2ball is next.
  9. WebMistressGina

    Bogen County Farewell

    And at long last, our Miss Piggy Adventure in Bogen County has concluded. And here's a question for you - obviously, I have ideas to spin this little tidbit into a sequel that would literally focus on Piggy, Nate, Ham, Virgi, and Ro, basically how their relationship is now with their sister gone...
  10. WebMistressGina

    Bogen County Farewell

    Hmmm...well I guess I'll just keep posting, shall I? We're nearing the end kids! This picks up immediately after last scene - Summers in Iowa were sunny and full of things to do, everything from festivals to the state fair, the summer months were a great time for families and individuals to...
  11. WebMistressGina

    Bogen County Farewell

    Hattie’s response to that was cut off by the sounds coming from the living room, which reached the door to the kitchen before the new occupants even walked in. It was Piggy and Ham, both looking as though they’d just gone through an emotional ringer however it seemed they were in a better mood...
  12. WebMistressGina

    Bogen County Farewell

    OMG, this took FOREVER! I literally had the next section started and then just couldn't execute. Even this section, despite having it mapped out, took way longer to put on paper for some reason. You get an abridged section here, but we are coming to a close on this and that's another one down...
  13. WebMistressGina

    Hensonville City 2011

    So...I'm just gonna straight up ask - are Denise and Kermit still together? And if so, why hasn't he told his family about her? I mean, I have to imagine that if he didn't, they would have seen the 'break up heard 'round the world', so shouldn't at least his family be aware that he and Piggy are...
  14. WebMistressGina

    Hensonville City 2011

    Hey hey, alright! Got some Fraggles as neighbors. Cool. BTW, do we know if the good Lady J :flirt: will be gracing us with a move in appearance? I know she's got some shows on the road, but we're gonna be kinda light for the Game of Games. :concern:: Not if we go back to our original teams...
  15. WebMistressGina

    Hensonville City 2011

    Hey Mup Mups! What's a group of crazies like you doing in a place like this? :halo: So uh...what's going on in here? Oh sorry! If ya didn't know, it's me, it's me - The W to the M to the G, your neighborhood writer, moving in to...what apartment are we in? ;): 7C. No wait, 6C? 6A? :eek...
  16. WebMistressGina

    The Game of Games

    Good to know! I didn't even know we HAD a games section... That's good! O. M. G I had recently been playing around with the idea of a teen Robin coming to visit and discovering that 1. Kermit and Piggy have broken up and 2. Kermit is dating another pig. The idea would be that Robin...
  17. WebMistressGina

    The Game of Games

    And now, without further delay, I give you our conclusion! It's a little heavy at the beginning (continuing from our last portion), but we're back to our game towards the end, where we learn more about how the rules are decided, what happens when the game is paused, why the name has still yet to...
  18. WebMistressGina

    The Game of Games

    So I thought I'd answer this first before I give the new post, yeah? I've said it before - the breakup was a gimmick and I'm sure it was to make the show more 'adult-ish'. Why? Probably cause people break up all the time and move on. The problem with this is that, Kermit and Piggy always find...
  19. WebMistressGina

    The Game of Games

    Hi-ooooo! So I'm sure you're all looking forward to see what craziness our gang is gonna get up to in Level 3, but first, they'll handle another situation first... Pre-level Toast The last pre-level toast was extended to ten minutes and switched from light alcohol to that of hard alcohol...
  20. WebMistressGina

    The Game of Games

    You know, in going back over gameplay, there are a number of places where they should've taken drinks and after looking at the episode again, the gang is very tight on both that and the swearing. So I will make a mention of that, because Denise will make a point of it - reading them rules and all.