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  1. Zack the Dog

    Pre-Order "Muppets Most Wanted" Blu-ray available August 12

    Well that's cool I guess, but I would've liked to see more the Muppet ladder I guess. What about scooters moves like jagger and Constantine's full song "Get you what you want" (Mentioning about the kangaroo etc.) oh! is Danny treo's wocka wocka included??
  2. Zack the Dog

    Pre-Order "Muppets Most Wanted" Blu-ray available August 12

    Thanks for that info! Anymore with the helicopter? I really hope that Sam and Jean are included in the Muppet ladder. Any new cameos? I guess maybe they can't include everything. But I really hope more is with the helicopter. I'm very happy the train Bit is there!
  3. Zack the Dog

    Pre-Order "Muppets Most Wanted" Blu-ray available August 12

    As for the Extended Edition, I figured there was more with Constantine doing karate. There is a trailer that has a close-up shot as opposed to the further away shot in the movie. I'm hoping and entrust that the complete helicopter scene is in there with Sam & the inspector. Jean "somewhat"...
  4. Zack the Dog

    Your Thoughts: Muppets Most Wanted Original Soundtrack

    What's deleted from the film That is on the soundtrack. We're doing a sequel: "How hard can it be?" Rowlf: "We can't do any worse then the Godfather 3!" Lew Zealand's "fish out of water movie" suggestion, Stalter and Waldorfs "How about you do movie where you don't make a movie and we all get...
  5. Zack the Dog

    Your Thoughts: "Muppets Most Wanted" Theatrical Film

    Just saw the movie for the 4th time with my nephew, I have to say this movie is a wonderful Muppets film! You can just tell that everyone involved was proud if it. I don't care what Critics say, other people say, or even other Muppet fans say. This film Is very funny and full of my muppety fun...
  6. Zack the Dog

    Your Thoughts: "Muppets Most Wanted" Theatrical Film

    I Loved it!! I think it was phenomenal! We always have our nitpicks (hoping more of Annie Sue, cheep green screen for Celebrities at the end, fozzie's Subway cup! and some parts cut out from the trailer) but overall its a great Muppets film! It's definitely more of the Muppets film! the...
  7. Zack the Dog

    Video: New Elmo premieres at the 2013 Easter Egg Roll

    I think Ryan did a phonemal job and hope he continues! We will always miss Kevin, but after seeing that video and knowing that all characters can be, and are replaced over time i belive Ryan can do the job! I hope Sesame does chose him! He's a great guy!
  8. Zack the Dog

    Prayers and thoughts for Jane Henson

    Wishing peace and comfort to Jane Henson and all of the family at this time. She is a wonderful person with an extraordinary life. I'm thankful to have met her once and I hope the best at this time.
  9. Zack the Dog

    Video: The Muppet Christmas Carol Blu-ray Extras

    Hmm...Well there seems to be enough for me to want to buy this now, BUT part of me wishes it was just full screen with the song rather then widescreen at all, with all the bonus features past and new. This is taken as if Disney doesn't have a wide screen version with the song inculded since they...
  10. Zack the Dog

    Video: The Muppet Christmas Carol Blu-ray Extras

    Idk Maybe they don't have the song in widescreen? Odd to say but it wasn't released on the last one (in widescreen) if it was and then taken out for this, that would be extremely rediculoius, but because it hasn't been released in widescreen maybe something else is up...what about the old...
  11. Zack the Dog

    Video: The Muppet Christmas Carol Blu-ray Extras

    Oh that's very good to hear at least, thank you! I was just going by what I read on-line on Amazon. Lol, I should know better, that's not the best source. That does make it better but very Unfourtunute for the song. Something must be wrong or missing or something. If they don't have a version...
  12. Zack the Dog

    Video: The Muppet Christmas Carol Blu-ray Extras

    So let me get this straight, The first DVD of MCC in 2002 was full screen only but featured a lot of bonus features just not widescreen. It also used the original poster art. This is the only one I have. if you want to own a widescreen version of the film on dvd you have to buy the 50 years of...
  13. Zack the Dog

    Your Thoughts: The Muppets on Blu-ray and DVD

    Phil I have found five Easter eggs! the punch teacher extended scene and the miss poogy oinkerview is on the Blu-ray! The punch teacher was the hardest to find but it is at the top left side of Play. It's Opposite the extended Camilla forget you scene egg. I can't say what order the buttons...
  14. Zack the Dog

    Your Thoughts: The Muppets on Blu-ray and DVD

    I got my copy at Walmart at 12:01, I actually helped the lady dig them out of the boxes! Lol! anyways these are some recent thoughts while watching the special features on the Blu-ray. *************spoiler warnings************* I liked a lot of the stuff in the in the deleted scenes although I...
  15. Zack the Dog

    Pre-Order: "The Muppets" on Blu-ray and DVD coming March 20

    Does anybody know what version the digital Walters trailer special feature will be on? I'm assuming it's the wocka wocka value pack. I was planning on getting the puppets set at Walmart but I don't think the puppets set includes the wocka pack. so it would not include the digital download movie...
  16. Zack the Dog

    Muppets in Wired Magazine There's a large article on the Muppets in a new Wired Magazine. The cover features Bunsen and Beaker and there are many pages with new Muppets pics on them. Apparently Sam the Eagle likes Spaghetti. Most of the pics are...
  17. Zack the Dog

    When will toys tieing in to The Muppets be released?

    yeah i don't mean a big announcement or anything. We had heard of Muppet Monster/MuppetRace Mainia long before they came out. just like a little blurp on-line that fans would only know about. The game usually comes out before the movie but if the movie does well I could see a Muppets video game...
  18. Zack the Dog

    When will toys tieing in to The Muppets be released?

    i was hoping for a new Muppet's video game, we would have already have heard about the development of that long ago if there was one. maybe with time. I'd really love an adventure game but i could see a Muppet Wii game with bowling penguins and a cooking mama type of Swedish chef game. If and...
  19. Zack the Dog

    New Muppet Jewelry at Walmart

    yes they are at Walmart and are in the jewelry section. Don't look in the auto department!
  20. Zack the Dog

    New Muppet Jewelry at Walmart

    there is a slew of Muppet key chains too including the Muppets Kermit M Logo, a lanyard with the Muppet signatures. Many miss piggy and a couple Kermit key chains, one with a pic of kermit, fozzie, piggy, and gonzo. there is also a gonzo one and animal and an electric mayhem. At least like 15 or...