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  1. kathy26

    New Muppet Pilot in Development by Randall Einhorn (The Office, Modern Family) for ABC

    they talked about it on GMA so it has to be true
  2. kathy26

    The Muppets New Theater

    hey great story i'm the process of doing a story called the Kermit Bond with Kermit as the james bond of the muppets but i need some ideas for who should play the bad guy in this any ideas?
  3. kathy26

    The Muppets New Theater

    who performed these characters Louis Kazagger Beard Chris Gopher Mark Shadowman Fleet Scribbler
  4. kathy26

    New kid with a special crush

    great story so far
  5. kathy26

    The Muppets New Theater

    great story so far can't wait for the ending i have a quick question who's Kai-Lee?
  6. kathy26

    Timmy's Treats Hold-Up

    Who perform these characters Timmy Monster Lenny The Lizard The Muffin The Robber The Cops
  7. kathy26

    Bunsen and Beaker's Rocket Adventure

    who perform these characters Bazoop Vaco Ploobis Scred Mighty Favog
  8. kathy26

    New kid with a special crush

    great first chapter
  9. kathy26

    Muppets' Saturday Night Live - Game

    Steven:don't Worry we have pirates come on out guys (The Pirates rush in)
  10. kathy26

    Muppets' Saturday Night Live - Game

    Floyd:What that's not fair
  11. kathy26

    Requests for Muppet fan fics

    I wish you can do a story with Fozzie,Scooter and Gonzo pretending to be musketeers with Miss Piggy as the empress of France and Link and Floyd as the guards and Kermit as the leader of the musketeers
  12. kathy26

    Muppets' Saturday Night Live - Game

    Link:kathy26 Fozzie Bear:BeakerJanice Link:who did you Arrest Patrol Bear?
  13. kathy26

    Muppets' Saturday Night Live - Game

    Announcer:kathy26 Fozzie Bear:BeakerJanice Announcer: Ridding the world from evil here comes bear on patrol
  14. kathy26

    Muppets' Saturday Night Live - Game

    so let's go to the first sketch Bear On Patrol
  15. kathy26

    Muppets' Saturday Night Live - Game

    hi everybody
  16. kathy26

    Animal's First Hair Cut

    great story minor muppetz I want to start doing fanfics myself can you give me some pointers?
  17. kathy26

    Animal's First Hair Cut

    who perform these characters health inspector the sandwich Gladys the fish
  18. kathy26

    Muppets' Saturday Night Live - Game

    Annie Sue:Uh Oh here's comes trouble
  19. kathy26

    Muppets' Saturday Night Live - Game

    Kermit:folks Miss Piggy is taking a 2 week vacation so here is Jospeh Gordon Levitt and Annie Sue Pig singing Baby it's Cold Outside
  20. kathy26

    Muppets' Saturday Night Live - Game

    Kermit:look i'll explain to you later just get onstage you two (Joseph and Annie Sue head for the stage)