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  1. travellingpat

    Omigod!!: "Legally Blonde 3"

    This has sucky written all over it, sorry jacob
  2. travellingpat

    Fraggle Rock Season 3 Amazon Sales Rank

    Woo it seems to be climbing quick
  3. travellingpat

    The King of Comedy

    Uhh I remember reading Dean Martin and Sinatra...idk if those would have worked....martin maybe but not really sinatra
  4. travellingpat

    The King of Comedy

    Winslow, I figured youd seen certainly was a great movie and idk if i could see Carson in it, it would be a far different movie with him i think
  5. travellingpat

    The 'What Song Are You Currently Listening To?' Thread

    Ob-La-Di ObLaDa - The Beatles