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  1. Fragglemuppet

    The Fraggle Rock Episode Discussion Thread

    I've been rewatching the whole series, a few episodes a day, and I figure this is a good place to put just quick little random thoughts as I go along. I watched Wembley and the Mean Genie tonight. I never noticed at the beginning Red said she found a gorg's tooth. How did a gorg's tooth get...
  2. Fragglemuppet

    The New Twitter Follower Thread

    Bump. :excited: :dreamy
  3. Fragglemuppet

    The New What Made You Frown Today Thread

    After being up all night, most of it spent in a depressive funk, then being reminded I have labs this afternoon, I went to heat up a frozen breakfast and heated up a lunch by mistake. :eek: Luckily my mom's boyfriend was there to make breakfast, because I really didn't want to spend money...
  4. Fragglemuppet

    What do you know about dreams?

    That's one of the pitfalls of staying up all night. I rarely, if ever, remember my dreams, and the ones I do remember aren't terribly exciting. :(
  5. Fragglemuppet

    The New Twitter Follower Thread

    I am, but I hardly ever use it anymore except to update my business page, and I don't even do that as much as I should. Also, with this new browser I use and my screenreader, there's a whole new format that I just don't like.
  6. Fragglemuppet

    The New Twitter Follower Thread

    Also, I'm trying to bring back the hashtag #MuppetMonday if anyone wants to join me. Basically any random Muppety thoughts, favorite quotes, whatever comes to mind. :)
  7. Fragglemuppet

    Need Quick Help With Art Project

    No promises, but I'll try to get a picture of it up when it's done. If not here, then on Twitter at least.
  8. Fragglemuppet

    The New Twitter Follower Thread

    Hi all! :) I wonder how many people have Twitter here, and would be willing to take a chance on following me? I've lately been looking for more Muppet, and especially Fraggle fans to chat with on there. :dreamy: :smirk: I realize at this point many of you may not know me that well, but I'm very...
  9. Fragglemuppet

    Need Quick Help With Art Project

    That sounds great, thank you!
  10. Fragglemuppet

    Need Quick Help With Art Project

    Hi, remember me? :smirk: :dreamy: Anyway, I ordered a custom embroidery hoop from someone on Twitter. I wanted to keep it simple, just the quote "You cannot leave the magic." Even though I never exactly stopped being a fan, over the past several years it has sort of taken a backseat in my life...
  11. Fragglemuppet

    Your Thoughts: New Muppet Central Forum Features

    I like what I've seen so far! I especially like how each member's post count and the date they joined are back in their posts where everyone can see them. It may seem petty, but that's one of the things I missed most when you first changed servers.
  12. Fragglemuppet

    Please Read

    Looks good, but just a couple of things... Muppet Central, as it exists now, has been around since 2002. I'm not saying it's age is an excuse for the issues we're having now, but I am saying that something like this takes a lot of work. You may have the best of intentions now, but 15 years from...
  13. Fragglemuppet

    Lots of MUP3's, Wanna Trade?

    Do you still need Aerobique? I've got it, but don't know how to use Drive, so I'll need you're email.
  14. Fragglemuppet

    Lots of MUP3's, Wanna Trade?

    Thanks! I didn't even know it existed, but I jumped on it! :wisdom:
  15. Fragglemuppet

    Please Read

    So many ideas here, but I'll try to keep this short and sweet. I haven't been here a lot lately, so I'm sure there's a lot I haven't seen. Also, I know nearly nothing about the technical aspect, so if people say the problem is Ed not having enough power, or that the software is causing problems...
  16. Fragglemuppet

    Writing Help: Sesame Street character descriptions

    Oh, how I missed this place! You're speaking the language my mind has been starving for for so long, muppet characterizations! Anyway, it's been a long time since I've seen a full episode of Sesame Street, especially anything recent. I also don't know if you still could use help, but Telly is my...
  17. Fragglemuppet

    Bringing Back the Bells...

    I've done this every year since 2009 except one, and I'm glad to see people are still joining me! I usually don't do it with the episode though, as it seems like a lot to coordinate, but hopefully next year I'll be able to! Thank you for helping me keep this going! Oh, and as a sign of the...
  18. Fragglemuppet

    Doozer stick recipes

    Wow, most of that sounds amazing! Candied radishes? Putting other vegetable juices in candy? The fraggles would approve! You could probably also chop up those raddishes and mold them in the shape of bars for Red's raddish bars. It never occurred to me to make raddish dust with a...
  19. Fragglemuppet

    Gobo Fraggle and the Poison Cackler book and audio

    Wow, I never knew these existed! I mean, I knew there were books, but I never knew they had been recorded, much less by the cast! Thanks for sharing! :smirk: :coy: :dreamy: :excited:
  20. Fragglemuppet

    The Fraggle Rock Episode Discussion Thread

    We might get an influx of new fans? Cool! Though I've come to love and admire most other areas of Hensonia, Fraggle Rock will always have that special place in my heart. I highly recommend getting more familiar with it!