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  1. puppets_etc

    Happy Birfday, Nate!!!

    I know I have a one track mind, it MARGARITA TIME yet?:confused: Deb:smirk:
  2. puppets_etc

    Bill Barretta is a Sexy Muppet Mans

    Wise before WHAT?:confused: Deb;)
  3. puppets_etc

    Bill Barretta is a Sexy Muppet Mans

    As in stickey, gooey or piggy?;) Deb:flirt:
  4. puppets_etc

    Bill Barretta is a Sexy Muppet Mans

    Scoot, I can see you are a man of many words...........they don't make a whole lot of sense, but there are many of them.;) Deb:flirt:
  5. puppets_etc

    Happy Birfday, Nate!!!

    Um, Kevin:o .......... That was WAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY too much information! :p :smirk: Deb :eek:
  6. puppets_etc

    Happy Birfday, Nate!!!

    My dad always used to say "when the foo s___s" :excited: Anywho, I should have said 'trained bears'.:smirk: After all, fur is fur. Deb
  7. puppets_etc

    Happy Birfday, Nate!!!

    Of course it is :)! These guys are just trained monkey performing for your birthday amusement. :D Deb (forgive me guys!:smirk: )
  8. puppets_etc

    Your OTHER Name...

    My oldest daughter's name is Adrienne. Her nickname (God only knows where people got this from:confused: ) is AJ, also shortened to Age. I think I'm the only one who calls her Adrienne, or Ade. She also gets alot of the 'Yo Adrian' thing, mostly from her own dad.:smirk: Deb :crazy:
  9. puppets_etc

    Muppets Celphone Ringtones

    I looked it up, but they don't have my Kyocera on there.:cry: :smirk: guess I'll have to wait. Deb
  10. puppets_etc

    Happy Birfday, Nate!!!

    Now is this Birthday quality entertainment or what?!?! (Don't forget to have those margaritas for me;)) Deb :flirt:
  11. puppets_etc

    Happy Birfday, Nate!!!

    BOYS! No name calling! :eek: Oh, no.........I sound like a mom!:cry: Wait.....I AM a mom. Just not yours. Carry on! :D
  12. puppets_etc

    Happy Birfday, Nate!!!

    :eek: EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWw!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o :smirk: :zany: Deb;)
  13. puppets_etc

    Your OTHER Name...

    Aww, I think Shpaenkie is a cute name!:flirt: Deb;) PS I agree that we DEB people should indeed try a take over (unHostile:halo: of course!)
  14. puppets_etc

    Your OTHER Name...

    :boo: So what does that make me? I'm well over 25, and a mom. :confused: I refuse to answer to DEBRA because that's what my mom called me when I was in deep ----. (or my dad was being butt and called me De Bra!:mad: ) I was Debi until there were too many of us in the same office, and...
  15. puppets_etc

    Happy Birfday, Nate!!!

    I couldn't resist. ;) (I rarely can!) Have several magaritas for me on Friday!:crazy: Happy Birthday!:D Deb
  16. puppets_etc

    Happy Birfday, Nate!!!

    :) Hoppy Birthday Nate! (hey, better Nate than lever!:D) May your day only get better from here, and remember you are only as old as you feel! (after all, I was just 18 yesterday!):smirk: Deb ;)
  17. puppets_etc

    How do I change my username?

    Luke, it's too early for me to respond to that politely. I did not say YOU:o were weird and confusing, I was refering to all of our UNIQUE member names. :flirt: So there, LUKE!:p Good Morning to the rest of you wonderful Muppet nuts!:excited: Deb
  18. puppets_etc

    Need Puppets

    One Way Street is awsome! My co-puppet team director and I went to the I-Fest (International Puppetry Festival) that they put together every year in Kankakee, IL a couple of years ago and I would give anything to be able to attend another one. All I can say about OWS is :excited: :) :crazy...
  19. puppets_etc

    Need Puppets

    I have a gazillion sketches of puppets I want to make, but my time is stretched thin as it is.......3 daughters between the ages of 10 and 15, 40 hour work week and 10 credit hours worth of college courses is about all I can handle for the next year or so. I'm :halo: -not :crazy:! Deb:smirk:
  20. puppets_etc

    Need Puppets

    One Way Street is based in Denver. I make puppets, but I'm in Tucson (well, right now I'm here in Denver-at least until 9pm) but go to I'm not sure if that came up ok or not, but that is where my church puppet team was getting their puppets until I started making them...