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  1. Manda:-D

    An odd thing to find in your garage...

    Funny, I thought it said "RAAR." ...Oh, wait, you mean the OTHER dragon.
  2. Manda:-D

    An odd thing to find in your garage...

    Hey!!! Ten degrees to chicken!!!
  3. Manda:-D

    Need a little sympathy

    Beebers expresses approval. At least I ASSUME that's what that means....
  4. Manda:-D

    Need a little sympathy

    Hmmm....I thouht you were talking a/b his cohorts.
  5. Manda:-D

    2004 RadioThon and Muley

    Cool! Sounds like fun! Good luck, Kevin & Muley!
  6. Manda:-D

    Happy Birthday Jogchem!

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Where IS Joggy, anyway??? I miss him....Happy birthday, Jogs!!! :D
  7. Manda:-D

    Muppets to star in Pizza Hut Super Bowl Commercial

    I missed the commercial. :( However, I ALSO missed the halftme show, & the Janet Jackson part, so it wasn't all bad!
  8. Manda:-D

    New Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself

    Hmmm....I'm female...I'm a Muppet fan....AND I'm nearly college aged! ALL RIGHT!!!!!! :D :p
  9. Manda:-D

    Sarah's Big Disneyworld trip report thread!

    Aaaw, those are such cute pics!!! *Is still jealous 'bout the whole Disneyworld thing....* Wow, Scoot I can go cow-tipping in my neighborhood, too! Not that I ever have.....
  10. Manda:-D

    Thar She Blows!

    Wow...Look at that, Chris...They won't even TAKE you!
  11. Manda:-D

    Anyone remember me?

    Hey, yeah! I remember you...It's good to have you back among us!!! :D
  12. Manda:-D

    Pixar Dumps Disney

    YAY for Pixar! I think at this point, Pixar has almost as much of a brand name as Disney, and they'll probably end up getting more if they continue making quality pictures. Disney DOES have quite a marketing machine, though, (too bad they never really used it on "Spirited Away", grrr), and it'd...
  13. Manda:-D

    Remembering Amy, One Year Later...

    I never did get much of a chance to get to know her, but she was always so very sweet & funny...I wish I would've had the chance to become her friend, but as little as I knew her, she's still affected me a great deal.
  14. Manda:-D

    "The Sunshine Factory"---anybody else remember this show?

    Oddly enough, I remember ther main guy you're talking a/b, & the whole sunshine thing, but absolutely none of the rest of it.
  15. Manda:-D

    Happy 21st to Kevin (aka fishnwolfe)

    Right back at ya, Fishy! ;) :p You went to Outback??? Mmmmm....I LOOOVES Outback!!!
  16. Manda:-D

    Happy 21st to Kevin (aka fishnwolfe)

    Happy dirthbay, Fishy!!!! (Yes, it's an intentionally embarassing nickname.) Hope it's a GREAT day!!!!!! :D
  17. Manda:-D

    Sarah's Big Disneyworld trip report thread!

    "If you love something, let it go...And if it returns, it was meant to be. And if it doesn't, you hunt it down & lock in a cage." :D :p
  18. Manda:-D

    Muppets to star in Pizza Hut Super Bowl Commercial

    Let's just hope it's at Jessica Simpson & not the Muppets.
  19. Manda:-D

    5.3 years on MC...where's the confetti?

    Cheerleard Manda walks up & begins her cheer: C-O-R-Y!!! CORY!!! CORY!!! CORY!!! CORY!!! Cory, Cory, been here a while, Cory, Cory, makes us smile, Cory, Cory, he loves MC, Now let's cheer for CO-RY!!!! *Confetti & balloomns come from the ceiling*...
  20. Manda:-D

    Sarah's Big Disneyworld trip report thread!

    Yes. "Run, to make them chase you." It's a common rule of romance.