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  1. mostlikemokey

    Help Save British Fraggle Rock Episodes

    Good point. Hey, they could have fallen through a time warp or something. XD And I meant to be a bit tongue and cheek in the above post. As you said, they were found against astronomical odds.
  2. mostlikemokey

    The Accident, The Guilt, The Confession and The Revival...

    I knew that kermit was going to come back at some point. Despite all the cliffhangers, our dear author isn't that evil. ;)
  3. mostlikemokey

    Help Save British Fraggle Rock Episodes

    They can find missing episodes of Dr. Who, but we have to dig tooth and nail to find fraggle rock. I'm happy for Who, but I wish they'd give Henson as much attention. *uses sonic screwdriver to convert found fraggle rock episodes to useable file for the TARDIS*
  4. mostlikemokey

    Merrily we go along (Three Seperate Journeys Rewrite)

    Working on another chapter that has a lot of Wembley in it. I like Wembley. My username is mostlikeMokey, but I'm like Wembley in a lot of ways. I'm very perceptive but when rushed or put under pressure my ideas come out like mush :-) I couldn't always tell what passages you were referring to...
  5. mostlikemokey

    Half of the Stairs are Missing

    It can be annoying sometimes, especially if your life circumstances are preventing you from updating at that particular point. Whenever people ask me to update stories and I can't do it, it can feel like I'm letting them down. But I'm grateful for the support even when I'm not writing, and...
  6. mostlikemokey

    Rully Truly Janice

    I'm surprised how much people like this story. This is kind of my working on a story between stories story, if that makes any sense. It's a lot easier to write plot for this than any of my other stories, so I tend to update it to tide over my readers. That doesn't mean I care any less about...
  7. mostlikemokey

    When you need to rant...

    I like 90's cartoons, and I hate the fact that a lot of kids shows these days are really dumb, but the fact that I don't really address cartoons from other eras has more to do with the fact that I haven't seen them than me hating shows not from the nineties. I'm actually a big fan of some shows...
  8. mostlikemokey

    What's on your desktop?

    A Dr. Whooves fanart I got from google images.
  9. mostlikemokey

    Introvert or extrovert?

    I'm not one of those people who can go to extremely loud and crowded parties without getting a headache, but I don't consider myself an introvert. I'm actually an extrovert because whenever I'm not around people I can get sluggish or moody. I've read in books that some extroverts who are...
  10. mostlikemokey

    Behold! The Worst Cartoon Show of all time

    I'm just saying that bad quality becomes more noticeable in the nineties to me. If of course there are bad shows from before then. I just haven't seen as many from that era. In the clutch clip I started laughing the moment the paper plane went in the air XD *Edit* Paddy reaction: uh, what?
  11. mostlikemokey

    Behold! The Worst Cartoon Show of all time

    The videos are no longer available... It's an extremely sore point with me that most kids shows are either a)junk or b) completely sanitized. It's like in the nineties people started to get all paranoid. Kids are smarter than we give them credit for, and there's nothing wrong with a show that...
  12. mostlikemokey

    The complete and utter futility of being a fan of anything...

    Here's how I see it, and anyone else who disagrees is free to disagree: People have trouble explaining how things were done well. If they are good reviewers, they will try to do this anyway (and I've come across a few who will admit they're nit picking when their nit picking) so how come so many...
  13. mostlikemokey

    Fell Down the Stairs, Thoughts and Prayers Please

    Did you fall halfway down the stairs? (sorry, couldn't resist.) I hope you feel better soon. Even if it's not a break, such injuries can wear you down. I sympathize greatly. I was very accident prone as a child and remember getting my share of injuries and bruises.
  14. mostlikemokey

    Half of the Stairs are Missing

    Maybe by the time Lisa gets back, I'll finally have finished Heart of Gold (or at least, all the current posts.):) Give her her space, guys. We all have different phases in our lives, and I'm sure she'll roll back to us when she's ready.
  15. mostlikemokey

    On Writing Fan Fiction (Rules & Advice)

    I have a fan fiction account and have specifically stated on my profile that any readers are welcome to bring typos to my attention. I use voice recognition software to type (pretty common knowledge on here by now) but that doesn't make me any better at proofreading. In fact, if it doesn't...
  16. mostlikemokey

    Slackbot draws stuff

    Trying to draw his nose is horrible... If you're not careful it makes him look like he has a really tiny head... :concern::That's not my head! That's one of Camilla's eggs! Me: I'm still learning, okay?
  17. mostlikemokey

    Merrily we go along (Three Seperate Journeys Rewrite)

    Thanks guys! I won't be on as much (school is starting soon! Finishing high school! Despite what everybody says, I hope high school isn't the best years of your life.) But I will try and update my stories when I can, and hope to get more in before I have to go back to school. Charlietheowl...
  18. mostlikemokey

    Betty Lou and Prarie Dawn Appreciation Thread

    I used to get them mixed up when I was little. I miss Betty Lou...
  19. mostlikemokey

    Merrily we go along (Three Seperate Journeys Rewrite)

    Hi, guys! Sorry. First I had writer's block and then my headset was being finicky so I couldn't dictate. This was a really cool chapter to write for me, and I tried really hard to stay true to the characters. Let me know what you think! Chapter Two The Story of the Storyteller It...
  20. mostlikemokey

    Fanfiction: The Fraggle From Outer Space

    I'm pretty sure it's finished.