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  1. Jonathan

    you knew it was comming... Disneys Muppets

    and so It starts..........Disney's Muppets :mad: :o :cry:
  2. Jonathan

    Pet Peeves 2004

    rap Music!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Jonathan

    What Are You Going To Be On Halloween On 10-31-04?

    Im Seymore from Little Shop of horrors, My girlFriend is Audry,and My 2 cousins are Orin(the dentist)and Mushnick!
  4. Jonathan

    Has Any One Seen This!!?? &&*#!

    ohh i soooo hope i meet Mr.Esiner one day in puplic so i could tell him?!@#$^^#@$&#@$#@^%$^8!!
  5. Jonathan

    What can get cooler than this...

    Thanks :)
  6. Jonathan

    What can get cooler than this...

    More!!!!!!!!! If you keep on scrolling though his work you will see Sesame Street and Sproket from Fraggle Rock!!!!
  7. Jonathan

    What's your favourite movie?

    I could Watch Little Shop of Horrors all day. Then lission to the sound- track all night. And Im dong the Audry 2 in the play my local Theator in January! If that dosent make it my favorite movie I dont know what would!!!!!
  8. Jonathan

    What can get cooler than this...

    What can get cooler then this: Feast your eyes on true pices of muppet art!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :zany: :excited: :flirt:
  9. Jonathan

    Will the Sesame Biography special air again?

    If you have the Biography channel its comming on 10-24-04 (this sunday) 7:00-8:00am