Search results

  1. Eziwolf

    Introvert or extrovert?

    It depends. If I meet just one person at once I'm really extrovert, but in a crowd I just go on the background and remain silent the whole time.
  2. Eziwolf

    Dealing with depression and anxiety

    Anxiety is (sadly) a big part of my life since the late 90s (was a teen back then) and it just won't go away. This feeling of worrying and keep thinking over and over about obsessive things, always have the feeling that people judge you bad just because you stand there in front of them. Even now...
  3. Eziwolf

    So... Sesame Street Season 44!

    Yes, the "Telly is jealous" story is just beautiful. I feel so connected with this character, it could be me. :)
  4. Eziwolf

    Who is your Fave Sesame Street Muppet?

    If I were forced to pick one it would be Telly. I love him, he's just like me....worrying, panicking and anxious :laugh:
  5. Eziwolf

    "The Muppets": What made you laugh

    - Sweetums that chases the car - "We built this city" scene with Swedish Chef - "Punch teacher" - The "muppet man" scene
  6. Eziwolf

    Who is your Fave Sesame Street Muppet?

    Grover, Telly, Cookie and Beautiful Day Monster...yeah I love monsters :) But also Ernie-Bert and Prairie Dawn.
  7. Eziwolf

    YouTube Poops

    YTP based on Dingo Pictures:
  8. Eziwolf

    What's on your desktop?

    This! I just love this pic, it fits perfectly as a wallpaper <3
  9. Eziwolf

    New Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself

    Hi everyone! A Muppets fan from Switzerland :) I'm almost 28 and love the muppets! My fav ones are Sweetums, Kermit, Gonzo, Grover, Cookie, Beautiful Day and Telly Monster! But I really love them all. Cya! :grr: