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  1. fluffmuppet

    Post yer mug shot here (if ya wanna)

    Thank you, I feel welcomed :) Hmm..I watch to much of the Great Muppet Caper....:D ~fluff~
  2. fluffmuppet

    Crank Yankers

    Hmmm..I never got to see CY...but I went to the Comedy Network where they were promoting CY. I read the forum there, and alot of the people on there really hated the show. I have to see it for myself, I guess. And about the man show, I do agree those guys are pretty pathetic, and its just a...
  3. fluffmuppet

    Mahna Mahna

    Yes, you can call me fluffy, lol! I'm sure I can figure out this broadband shtuff. My connection is pretty fast anyway.... ~fluff~
  4. fluffmuppet

    I'm building my second Muppet.

    Holy poop! That's what I use, BorkBork!! Styrofoam balls 4 life...urrm, yeah..^^;;; ~fluff~
  5. fluffmuppet

    Post yer mug shot here (if ya wanna)

    Salmonilla?? Oh my....& I look familiar? Whooo? Anyway, Me and Don are twins, but you can't really tell unless we wear our hats! :D:D lol! ~fluff~
  6. fluffmuppet

    I'm building my second Muppet.

    I found a link to a site that focuses on puppet eyes, here's the link: I hope this will help :) ~fluff~
  7. fluffmuppet

    Mahna Mahna

    Hmm..I'm not to sure what broadband is...(?) But thanks for telling me about those cute characters! I'm thinking of making Mahna Mahna sometime in the near future :) I especially like his stringy little arms and how they bounce, so funny! :p ~fluff~
  8. fluffmuppet

    First foam puppet

    That is absolutly fantastic!! I LOVE turtles! For some reason, that puppet reminds me of thise memory in my Childhood..a good one at that. Brings back nice feelings! Want to see my turtle? Again, great job! ~fluff~
  9. fluffmuppet

    Post yer mug shot here (if ya wanna)

    Here's a piccie of me. I'm kinda weird lookin', although Donnie is way cuter than me of course >.< Don't get too scared :) BTW, Sango's my name in Japanese, my real name's Coral. You'll see that on the pic. ~fluff~
  10. fluffmuppet

    Mahna Mahna

    I just recently found a clip called *Mahna Mahna* from the Muppet Show, downloaded from Kazaa. I have never seen anything like it! Has anyone else seen it, too? I think it soo cute and hilarious! Also, does anyone know the names of those muppets? ~fluff~
  11. fluffmuppet

    Muppets in Advertising...?

    Yeah, I think I heard that one when I was in a store, buying materials for a muppet I'm working on. I was like "Yaaaa! Kermit and Miss piggy!" Then I realised people were staring. Hmm. ~fluff~
  12. fluffmuppet

    When will the new Muppet series begin on Fox?

    I did find an article relating to the New Muppet show they're airing in 2003. Check it out. I hope that helped :) ~fluff~