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  1. jediX

    Muppet Central...return...

    Good to see you back, Beau. It hasn't been the same in your absence. I hope everything is okay now. Anyway, having said that, I'd like to echo what our wise friend Kevin (fishnwolfe) said and put in a few more words since I have been publically silent on these issues. Think before you post...
  2. jediX

    Make the Simpsons Funny Again!

    Yeah, I remember that box thing. The sarcastic insert in the dvd advertising the replacement box was hilarious.
  3. jediX

    What's on Star Wars?

    Basically, its a lot of discussion regarding Bail/Padme/loyalist senators talking about how Palpatine has too much power. The only ones that don't follow this really are the death of Shaak Ti at the hands of Grievous followed up some animatics of Obi-Wan & Anakin's trek through the flagship's...
  4. jediX

    Look at this!

    In order to display ASCII art, you have to either use the space replacement html code (programs like word can generate this) or present the image in a text document with a fixed character size font (like fixedsys for Windows).
  5. jediX

    Smokers on the forum

    As much as I personally loathe the habit of deathstick smoking, making it illegal simply wouldn't work. You all remember how poorly prohibition worked (though I dispise drinking as much as I do smoking).
  6. jediX

    Happy Halloween Dudes!!

    I'm not expecting anybody for a couple hours. Last year, there were only 15 kids total that came. lol
  7. jediX

    Your Avatar-explain Yourselves!

    Ah, so now your avatar is a snowth as Kathy Greenwood as Elizabeth Montgomery? Makes enough sense ;)
  8. jediX

    Make the Simpsons Funny Again!

    In all honesty, the show hasn't been very great for the past five years. Usually the shows start with a good premise but wind up like Saturday Night Live sketches: in too deep and no ending in sight. Honestly -- virtually every episode last season was like that. I've been watching the show...
  9. jediX

    Smokers on the forum

    Never have, never will. Besides, I'm allergic to smoke, and that's no good: especially when you have asthma.
  10. jediX

    Your Avatar-explain Yourselves!

    Major flashy strobe-induced headaches animated avatars can give, yes...
  11. jediX

    Changing an e-mail address...

    As far as I know, no. Just sign up for a new one and forward emails you want to save to the new address.
  12. jediX

    Statler & Waldorf on

    I didn't say that was a BAD thing.;)
  13. jediX

    Statler & Waldorf on

    Of course, they're only mp3's of them.
  14. jediX

    Favorite Quotes

    JHH: ROCCO This trick has been done once! And the guy died!!! ZONDRA, CHIP, UBU [In awe.] Ooooh.... ROCCO ...twenty years later... --------------- KERMIT Well listen, after these messages we'll be back with a lot of great funny sketches and some neat songs... The...
  15. jediX

    Things You Wish You Didn't Know...

    When celebrities from old shows died. I'd much rather still think they were alive. Peoples' politcal affiliations. How pathetic music has become these days. A whole lot of biological stuff I can't mention here. How weird/trampy most of my old high school friends have become. That Soylent...
  16. jediX

    YIP-EE!!! The times change!!!

    They should just get rid of this pathetic concept altogether. Baah.
  17. jediX

    D'Snowth Reviews Bewitched

    Acting, 3 of 5; screenplay[plot], -7 of 5; overall satisfaction, 1 of 5, and that was only because I saw it for free since there was a free pass in the season 1 DVD. Based on what happened with this film, I don't have much hope in the upcoming "Jeannie" film. I wonder if people even bother try...
  18. jediX

    Is my wife pregnant?

    ::Jaw hits the floor:: Wow.... I can't believe I just read all of that on MC. :eek:
  19. jediX

    My Custom Monsters

    I am EXTREMELY envious over that Boppity.
  20. jediX

    ATTENTION Fan Artists!

    PM sent.