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  1. jediX

    Computer Help

    Well, like I said, deleting files typically does nothing UNLESS the problem has to deal with a fragged hard disk that you're having trouble writing to. If your drive is more than 3 years old, I'd recommend just backing everything up, buying a new hard drive, and having it installed. I'd have...
  2. jediX

    Computer Help

    At first, I'd thought that you disabled those programs via Norton's services manager, but it sounds to me like there's some cpu-hogging applications running that are preventing Norton (which admittedly uses a lot of cpu) from working correctly. I don't think deleting files is going to do...
  3. jediX

    Yet another video greeting from Colorado

    The product of 1 a.m. weirdness, here's our little contribution to the ongoing series of video greetings. From your pals, Matt and Katie [Krazedmuppet]
  4. jediX

    Video Message from Moi

    Katie and I recorded a video message as well but my video editing software is being a [word I can't say on MC], so I guess I'll have to remake this [word I can't say on MC] thing later. Stay tuned!
  5. jediX

    The Kev and Muley Thread

    Wow, how'd I miss this? Awesome! I feel guilty now for not making one of these things myself...
  6. jediX

    The Muppet Guitar Project

    Nice, I hadn't seen a midi of that one for reference, either. It sounds right to me.... kudos. As for the final chord, it sounds nice if you combine a variant of the E and D chords. I use this: e|-2-| B|-3-| G|-2-| D|-2-| A|-2-| E|-0-|
  7. jediX

    Watched 'em yet?

    I guess I've watched about all of em, at least the ones I like/have, anyway. -MCC -Emmet Otter (for the first time since I bought the VHS release in the early 90s) -VMX -MFC -The Christmas Toy (Which I have to say is my favorite, not counting MFC because its just not fair to compare any other...
  8. jediX

    The Barry Lee Thread

    Nah, they're like Fraggles on crater smoke ;)
  9. jediX

    What Does it Take?

    See, that's the problem; every situation is different. Off the top, it seemed that this was a case of the generic high school he-said-she-said, which is what I addressed. In that case, just not caring really does work, because as long as you set the facts straight with the third party--the...
  10. jediX

    Video Message from Moi

    Woo-hoo, you homaged my Animal voice, mwahahahaa...
  11. jediX

    What Does it Take?

    Turning invisible usually works. I dealt with garbage like that all that all the time back in school and there just came a point when I really stopped caring what people thought. Unless you have mind control powers, there isn't an awful lot that I know of that works other than just ignoring it...
  12. jediX

    New Kermit N Piggy Porcelain Dolls

    I think I saw that they were $19.99 each...
  13. jediX

    How's the weather where you are?

    Take my 2 feet of it.
  14. jediX

    How's the weather where you are?

    Snowed in due to blizzard. Bah. I hate snow...
  15. jediX

    The Barry Lee Thread

    This just in, Barry has two albums out in time to buy for Christmas! Buy a copy! Buy ten copies! First, a collection of songs hand-picked by Barry! Next, enjoy a selection of Barry's holiday hits...
  16. jediX

    Is OMGCNFO no more?

    PM sent to Vic regarding cheap eBay Sweetums.
  17. jediX

    What was the last DVD you bought and why?

    Simpsons season 9 ..and my collection:
  18. jediX

    When the Muppets Flopped?

    As for total misses that bore me to death: -Muppets From Space -Muppet Oz -Fantastic Miss Piggy Show -Some of the UK spots on TMS -Muppet Valentine Show
  19. jediX

    Anyone here been on the news?

    I've been interning at my local Fox affiliate, and the top of my head has been in the background of several "breaking news" things, if that counts...