Search results

  1. Fuzzhead

    Palisades Board Refugee Camp

    Yeah, I wasn't aware there was an UncleDeadly already registered here. I should have known. So I just came up with Fuzzhead.:)
  2. Fuzzhead

    New Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself

    Hello, everyone. I just registered today. I have been a member at the Palisades message board for a while, but finally decided to join here as well. I'm 26, male, I live in Pennsylvania and I have been a Muppet fan as long as I can remember. :D :sing: :cool: :flirt: :halo: And I love these...
  3. Fuzzhead

    Palisades Board Refugee Camp

    Hey, everybody. It's UncleDeadly here from the Palisades message board. I finally decided to register here.