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  1. caper

    Jim Henson figure box revealed

    Is this figure as tall as the Sweetums figure??
  2. caper

    How to stand Kermit and Janice

    I cannot believe this... First they are easily broken and now they can't stand on their own. I'm definitely have to buy 2 of each. I have most of the figs. but they are still in their boxes and I will open them when I get standard Rowlf, white Swedish Chef, Pops, and Lips. But now i'll...
  3. caper

    Post your collections!

    That's a good question. hmmm, I dunno either but that guy Narrator post his muppet fig pic through a web site so we could just click on it. I tried to copy a pic by right clicking on a pic then tried to paste in this message board but it wont let me. Hmmm.
  4. caper

    Post your collections!

    This thread would be better, if you guys post a pic of all your collections instead of writing them down coz it all becomes the same. While posting a pic of your muppet figs will show how you pose them differently from other fans. If my figures were out of their boxes, I would definitely...
  5. caper

    Series 8: Favorite Figure

    Did your Marvin fig snapped back in or is he permanently broken?? That's messed up, I was going to open all my Muppet figs when I get Pops, Lips, Swedish Chef, and Rowlf w/ backstage but now after reading how fragile these figs are I might not open them at all.
  6. caper

    Series 8 Arrives: When and Where

    It's good to hear you guys do have trouble cause that means the line is doing better elsewhere. Actually it means that the Muppet line is doing bad coz no one carries it. It's a trouble finding it coz no one carries it not because it is sold out. Toys R Us still have series one and they...
  7. caper

    Series 8 Arrives: When and Where

    It's suppose to be out but yet I can't find any. Why are they making the Muppet figures soo hard to find? I went to Suncoast, SamGoody, and other comic and specialty stores and they don't have it. This is ridiculous, that is why the Muppet line is doing so poorly. Everytime a new series comes...
  8. caper

    Series 8 Arrives: When and Where

    WHy do they always bump the figs??? It's so annoying!! First they said Series 8 will be release on July 4, then it's July 14, and now it's on July 18. They did it with all the series in the past also. They already have the figs so why are they prolonging their releases all the time?? Is...
  9. caper

    Janice is easily broken

    The only breaks I've had are Janice's left arm and Beaker's lab table. Other than that it's a flawless line of figures. How did your Janice break? Were you just holding her and it break or did it fall or something??
  10. caper

    Janice is easily broken

    I have most of the Muppet figs but I haven't open them. They are mint in condition in their boxes. I was going to open all of them when I get Lips,Pops,Sam,and Rowlf w/ playset and white Swedish Chef. But now, you guys are saying that they can break just by touching them. That's messed up...
  11. caper

    Which ones are worthwhile to buy?

    Buy the Top 6: Kermit (Standard) Ms. Piggy EB exclusive with long hair Fozzie (Standard) Gonzo w/ Camilla (Standard) Scooter (Standard) Rowlf (Standard) Coming Soon w/ Playset Then Buy the Electric Mayhem: Dr. Teeth (Standard) Floyd (Standard) Janice (Standard) Zoot (Standard)...
  12. caper

    Lips Repaint Pictures!

    Finally, that original Lips looks good, his skin tone is right. Thanks for the thread.
  13. caper

    Lips Repaint Pictures!

    WHy is Palisades doing this to Lips?? I like the standard Lips with the white shirt but his skin is dark. That's not his official color. His re-paints is the right skin color but I don't like the shirt of the re-paints. Palisades has been making all these figs. perfect but if they leave...
  14. caper

    Muppet Customs: Wonder Twins!

    You did a great job in making the Muppets into the Superfriends!! It's awesome!! But looking at that pic, I just realized how tall the Janice figure and how short Kermit is. I haven't open any of my Muppets Figures so I just wanted to know how tall the figures are? Like who is taller...
  15. caper

    Who's left?

    Standard Gonzo Will Palisades ever make the Sweater Vest Gonzo who is seen in Muppets Take Manhattan, Muppet Family Christmas, and Muppets at Disney?
  16. caper

    New Lips and Java Photos

    I like Lips better wearing the white shirt just like in The Great Muppet Caper.
  17. caper

    Backstage Playset

    Why?? Why are they keep delaying the Rowlf with backstage playet? First it was on Series 8 and then 9 and now 10. It'll be the end of the world and my muppet collection will not be complete because of the reg. Rowlf is getting pushed. What's the deal?
  18. caper

    New Series 9 line up!

    Rowlf?? Is the standard Rowlf w/ playset still going to be in Series 9?
  19. caper

    UK Toyfair photos

    I went to that site and I did not see the Muppet Backstage with Rowlf and the Series 9 figures. All I saw was Series 7 and 8 figures. Can anyone help me with this coz I really wanna see series 9? Thanks.
  20. caper

    It's Official: Series 9 & 10 Announced!

    Awesome Series!!! Finally, these are awesome figures!!! The doorman for the Muppet Show, Pops and the final member of the Electric Mayhem, Lips. They are all great. They should also have the sweater vest Gonzo from MTM.