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  1. fictionalnice

    Fan Art: The Muppet Show Cast

    Sweet! Everybody's there! Love it!
  2. fictionalnice

    Dr.Teeth and the Time Before the Mayhem

    A/N: Ok so! Holidays are starting and I am going on vacation! But! Do not worry I will try my best to get the next chappy up by next monday! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! Ch.18 Not too long later the small gaggle of guys arrived at Floyd’s house, chatting away as though they had been friends...
  3. fictionalnice

    Backstage romance

    this is the best!
  4. fictionalnice

    Dr.Teeth and the Time Before the Mayhem

  5. fictionalnice

    Dr.Teeth and the Time Before the Mayhem

    A/N: I am so very sorry about the long waits between updates! It's just I am very busy with work, school, and personal stuff. A lot has happened recently...BUT!!! I have not forgoten you guys! Please stick with me! More WILL come! I promise! Enjoy this chapter and please REVIEW!!!! I luv's them...
  6. fictionalnice

    Dr.Teeth and the Time Before the Mayhem

    thanks! Another post after the holiday! i'll be out of town! So i apologize ahead of time for the waits! Happy holiday everyone! XD
  7. fictionalnice

    Dr.Teeth and the Time Before the Mayhem

    A/N: OH MY GOODNESS! I AM SO SO SO SO SO SO VERY SORRY!!! IT HAS BEEN SO LONG! HOLY CRUD! But To be honest I have been VERY BUSY! College, a job, and I'm moving soon! Please forgive me! :( :eek::o Hope you like the chapter....comment please!! Ch.16 “Zoot! Hey Zoot come out here!!”...
  8. fictionalnice

    A little Fanart

    AHHH I LOVE NEVILLE!!! DEFINET (how do you spell that?) AWSOME!!! LOVE!!!
  9. fictionalnice

    Dr.Teeth and the Time Before the Mayhem

    Thanks! More on monday!
  10. fictionalnice

    Dr.Teeth and the Time Before the Mayhem

    A/N: OMG!!! I am SOOO SORRY!!! I never meant for this to take so long! A lot has been happening in my life and it's gotten in the way! Well anyway, I'm here now! I hope you'll love this chapter! Please Comment! Ch.15 Later that same night Eugene was sitting curled up in the living...
  11. fictionalnice

    More A Treat Than A Trick

  12. fictionalnice

    A little Fanart

  13. fictionalnice

    Electric Mayhem The Beginning Comic

    AHHH Yeah!! Luved it!
  14. fictionalnice

    Fooling Around (VERY PG-13)

    I loved the whole mother daughter relationship Janice and Miss Piggy have! Miss piggy hates Floyd and is a tad protective of Janice. Gotta say, I have never heard of that before But I love it!
  15. fictionalnice

    Dr.Teeth and the Time Before the Mayhem

    Thanks! I have one more written chapter! But thats not the end! Lots more to come!
  16. fictionalnice

    Dr.Teeth and the Time Before the Mayhem

    A/N: Sorry that took so long! I really hate these pauses, but I underestimated college...anyway! I hope you love this chappy! leave comments please! I luvs them! Enjoy!! Ch. 14 Eugene noticed the next few days that Zoot became slightly distant. But they were still good friends...
  17. fictionalnice

    Electric Mayhem The Beginning Comic

    I love this!!! XD
  18. fictionalnice

    A little Fanart

    you are so awsomely talented in the feild of creativity!
  19. fictionalnice

    A little Fanart

    AHHH!!! You are awsome! And you give me inspiration!! Luv it!
  20. fictionalnice

    Dr.Teeth and the Time Before the Mayhem

    A/N: I'm back with a new chappy! Hope you'll love it! Please comment! Enjoy! Ch.13 Lip’s jumped forward quickly and caught Zoot before he fell to the ground. “What the?!” Dr. Teeth shouted out as Lips proceeded to gently carry Zoot to the couch. “what happened?” Shrugging Lips sat near...