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  1. G

    MC - The Revival

    You got me. I think it landed somwhere between the fields of grilled cheese and the land of gumdrops though.
  2. G

    You might be an obsessed Muppet fan if...

    That would be cool to see. If you carry a stuffed muppet to stressful situations for moral support.
  3. G

    MC - The Revival

    My mom has a jam/jelly book and from what I can glean from it, with jam, you use the actual fruit whereas with jelly you soak the fruit in water, boil it and then just use the water (I think) I make the cheese around here though. *tosses people balls of mozzerella*
  4. G

    MC - The Revival

    You're telling me. This reminds me of the duct tape thread on another forum I was on.
  5. G

    MC - The Revival

    *scratches head* I am so lost. So there are feathers in the pudding and socks in the jello? Or was it muffins in the Vitamin water and jello in the pillows? And the muppets will be cameos?
  6. G

    MC - The Revival

    *watches the whol scene play out* Wow, I've been missing out on the fun rooms. *looks around* Hmmmm, what else can we throw around. Ah ha! *Grabbes a pillow, pulles it apart and releases downey feathers into the air*
  7. G

    2011 Muppet Movie plot officially announced

    If it is 3d I hope they do it a good way. Sometimes people have a tendency to overdo the filming when it comes to 3D
  8. G

    You might be an obsessed Muppet fan if...

    Yea I know, I was kidding cuz he doesn't actually speak real English. Sorry bout that.:o
  9. G

    You might be an obsessed Muppet fan if...

    Do you think that when studying Swedish as well :hungry:
  10. G

    Muppet Crushes

    Yea there;s something about Scooter's voice that makes him very endearing. I want to say it's the contrast it adds to his character. Scooter is a relatively grown up (in terms of mindset), responsible character, but his voice adds a great amount of playfullness to the character it seems. It also...
  11. G

    Slackbot draws stuff

    That's so great Slackbot.
  12. G

    Muppet Crushes

    Sometimes I feel like people take statements like that too literally. Part of me wants to say "Yes I know they aren't real but if they were I would have a crush on someone like that."
  13. G

    You might be an obsessed Muppet fan if...

    Well, I'm not an expert so don't quote me on any of this, but an example is, I was playing around with trying to imitate Jerry Nelson as Robin or Gobo the other day. I found that that kind of voice is more nasaly and you do more in the resonating chambers in the mouth than the chest (at least I...
  14. G

    You might be an obsessed Muppet fan if...

    Yes! Yes! Yes! If you use the Muppets to better your singing (Something Better is a great song to practice voice jumps and I've found that trying to imitate muppet voices while singing, even though the sound isn't right, certain techniqes have increased my range.)
  15. G

    MC - The Revival

    What about on your front?
  16. G

    MC - The Revival

    Yay! Beau's back, and with Vitamin drinks.
  17. G

    Slackbot draws stuff

    Oh okay. The impression I got was like a discarded toy cuz I thought he was covered in dust. As for the bodies, I never really noticed before. Looking at it again, there doesn't seem to be too much of a difference to me. There's a little bit more definition to mee if you look closely, but that...
  18. G

    Slackbot draws stuff

    Aw, poor Sidebottom. That's a great interpretation of him after years of not coming around. It's also a nice contrast to the one you did earlier where he's the more vibrant one. Although, on question. The title is "You haven't needed me," is that the reason for his not showing up? Becuase I...
  19. G

    You might be an obsessed Muppet fan if...

    Ah, I see. That's really cute.
  20. G

    Which Muppet are You Most Like

    I realized last night at a film meeting that though I like to be called Scooter on film sets (cause I often do something akin to his job) my demeanor is more like Kermit's on sets. I go from everything-is-good-we're-calm-we're-organized to everything-is-falling-apart!-the-world-is-ending-why! in...