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  1. Old Thunder

    Let's see how many replies we can get to this post!

    FUN TIMES ON THE DISCORD, PT. I boobermemes-Today at 10:35 PM #ChurchIs4Losers Ghosty Fool-Today at 10:36 PM #BooberTheStinkbugActivist boobermemes-Today at 10:37 PM Froggy the Ghost Fool was a ******* losing suck with a corncob *** and a rotten nose and two eyes made out of...
  2. Old Thunder

    The Funny Videoe Thread

    What was the comment?
  3. Old Thunder

    You Ever Notice...and What's the Deal...

    Yo yo yo yo.
  4. Old Thunder

    You Ever Notice...and What's the Deal...

    I’m a sea captain hellbent on killing this one whale. May have heard of ‘im... Moby Dick?
  5. Old Thunder

    You Ever Notice...and What's the Deal...

    You’re a frog, don’t you eat them? How can you hate your food supply?
  6. Old Thunder

    You Ever Notice...and What's the Deal...

    Also, you meant ‘invading’. To evade something means to avoid it.
  7. Old Thunder

    You Ever Notice...and What's the Deal...

    Yes. Stink bugs do nothing at all except buzz around. I’ve never in my life gotten a whiff of the scent because I let them mind their own business. Ding! Jerry is the guy who hates everyone, and even then I never said I hated animals, did I? The only ones I legitimately hate are mosquitoes...
  8. Old Thunder

    Let's see how many replies we can get to this post!

    The butterfleas are breeding.
  9. Old Thunder

    Let's see how many replies we can get to this post!

    I’m stayin’ dead.
  10. Old Thunder

    The Funny Picture Thread

    He’s dead.
  11. Old Thunder

    Dealing with depression and anxiety

    Everyone’s trying to kill @LittleJerry92 and other stories.
  12. Old Thunder

    You Ever Notice...and What's the Deal...

    Cicadas, stink bugs, and ESPECIALLY bees are not summertime pests. These are insects that are minding their own business and I’ve always found them to be friendly. Actually, I’ve never had a run-in with a cicada, just heard their... music, and I kinda like it. Stink bugs are cute and friendly...
  13. Old Thunder

    Let's see how many replies we can get to this post!

    What made @LittleJerry92 die today?
  14. Old Thunder

    Let's see how many replies we can get to this post!

    I'm gonna be king of the posters!
  15. Old Thunder

    Let's see how many replies we can get to this post!

    I'm gonna be king of the posters!