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  1. dwmckim

    Another Stupid movie to Overreact to...

    But were you in your pajamas at the time? If so, then mission accomplished!
  2. dwmckim

    "The Muppets" isn't the Muppets

    Indeed. No polarizing figures should work with the Muppets. No matter if they're actually talented performers and their views on things outside of the project in question isn't given any kind of platform in the production. Even if they're Academy Award winners, it shouldn't matter. For that...
  3. dwmckim

    Soapsuds in Oscar’s can

    Old episode? (70's?) Very vague memories but it involved Big Bird attempting to do laundry in one of the adults' washing machines and the machine overflowed because he put in way too much soap. And i remember the cutaway to the bubbles coming out of Oscar's can.
  4. dwmckim

    Bring back the Muppet Show!

    "The Muppy Show?"
  5. dwmckim

    Recycled Kermit

    :grouchy:: "I coulda told ya THAT if anyone asked..."
  6. dwmckim

    Notifications Problem

    Are you physically going to the post after you get your notification? The system won't flood your inbox with 200 notifications about the same thread if 200 posts have popped up in it. It will send the initial notification (which will state "there may be more posts after this...") and keep...
  7. dwmckim

    The Great Muppet travel guide?

    ...Welcome to MC forums...
  8. dwmckim

    Jim Henson's Pajanimals debuts on NBC Kids Saturday July 7, 2012

    This may be a channel by channel situation depending on your local affiliate and perhaps your region. Here in Phoenix (West coast/Pacific time), TdF is on from 5-9 am with Pajanimals coming on at 9:30.
  9. dwmckim

    Meeting at Schotsky's

    You may be thinking of the 1968 special "The Muppets on Puppets". And you're obviously aware of the SST pitch reel as it's included in the story.
  10. dwmckim

    The Muppet Show Comic Book: the Four Seasons V1 out now

    Overall, i didn't think it was a strong entry as compared with much of Roger's other stuff - i considered it an "average" issue (bearing in mind that an "average" Muppet Show comic is quite good indeed since the bar is set high) but what i really loved and appreciated was that it was an...
  11. dwmckim

    House of Mouse revival?

    Well, if the moon can be made of green cheese...
  12. dwmckim

    Doozer Cartoon series probably happening at this point

    Speaking of boring, Bert's boring. And i LOVE Bert! Boring's a matter of perspective. To the Fraggles, Doozers are boring. And at the beginning of the series, we saw the Doozers from the Fraggles' perspective. Then we got Doozer-centric episodes where we see things from the Doozers' point...
  13. dwmckim

    Can we do something about posting for posts sake?

    For the record, i don't support a timeframe for closing old threads as sometimes there may be fully valid reasons for responding to them or bringing the thread in question out of its coma. Just because some people who fail to understand proper netiquette don't understand this and bump threads in...
  14. dwmckim

    Why can't penguins talk anymore?

    I don't consider the chicken on "Wishing Song" to be Camilla since the album was recorded during season 2 of TMS before Gonzo met Camilla. Whether or not a penguin or a chicken can talk probably has to do with their background and education. Some are fortunate enough to be bilingual. The...
  15. dwmckim

    The Microsoft Thread

    Why devote a whole thread to that? It's simple. The answer is beanie weenies.
  16. dwmckim

    Who wants the future Muppet movies to be...

    The title of "Muppets 2" has been discussed in every third thread in this forum since it was teased. HIGHLY unlikely that will be the actual title of the next movie. In fact...taking a big risk here since i don't know if i'm allowed to spill the beans here...but i have it on good authority...
  17. dwmckim

    Who wants the future Muppet movies to be...

    Well, that is if the Disney bodyguards don't shoo you away first... ;)
  18. dwmckim

    "The Muppets" isn't the Muppets

    (frogfan76 likes this.) I think i would cry tears of joy if i ever heard Steve's Kermit finally yell "WILL YOU GET OUT OF HERE??!!" As for the poll question: "Do you think "The Muppets" was The Muppets? I vote no. I think they were Bananarama.