Search results

  1. Dearth

    "The Muppets": One Year Later

    How odd... I had no idea today was the one-year anniversary. But for some intuitive reason, I've been listening to the soundtrack a lot lately, and Thanksgiving yesterday put me in a mood to see the Blu-Ray again. So far since last night I have watched the movie 1.5 times, the commentary...
  2. Dearth

    Custom figures and dioramas

    If I were making a Trumpet Girl, I'd totally go with Purple Tux Gonzo's body as the base, as it will require the least work. And, call me crazy, but I think Marvin Suggs has the right head shape, and could also donate the hands. You'd need to tweak the head sculpt to remove the facial hair and...
  3. Dearth

    I need pics from CPA in Atlanta-- especially Bugsy Them!

    Well, there's verboten and then there's verboten. ;) Here's the album I assembled just yesterday. Only one photo was taken by me personally, and that was of my prototype Mega checkered suit Gonzo posed in front of the sign outside...
  4. Dearth

    I need pics from CPA in Atlanta-- especially Bugsy Them!

    Hi all, I have accidentally broken the USB connection to our external hard-drive, and lost some amazing collections of photos that I'd been amassing. Today I'm working on reconstructing my archive of the various Henson exhibits at the Center for Puppetry Arts in Atlanta. I found a big chunk...
  5. Dearth

    Dearth/Alex's Customs and Dioramas v2

    Found this Toob of Musical Instruments at Hobby Lobby the other day. Might be a good investment if you're missing the sax for Zoot or the trumpet for Lips. Or just to have them lying around backstage as set dressing. I used an online 40% off coupon and got it for just over $5. Alex
  6. Dearth

    Custom Figure Resources Questions

    I may be wrong, but I don't think Christian's figures are poseable. No moving parts. So if you want to try Super Sculpey for something like that, it might work. I'd still recommend using some other, *cheaper* material for the inner structure, and only use the Super Sculpey for the outermost...
  7. Dearth

    Custom Figure Resources Questions

    For my customs, I generally use Super Sculpey for the new details. Regular Sculpey is a little too creamy for my tastes. I also *never* bake it, I prefer boiling to cure it, as there is less odor that way, and less risk of damaging the plastic of whatever action figure you've put the Super...
  8. Dearth

    Palisades Lips: Which is best?

    I own a white-shirt one with VERY tacky paint, and a silver one with much less tackiness problems (mainly on the Java puppet accessories, if I recall correctly). Sorry, I don't yet own the brown shirt version. I purchased one from Amazon, but when it arrived, it was another silver one. The...
  9. Dearth

    Handsome Frogs Handsome Muppets Figure Collection

    Looks like a BendEm-style Grover's head, hands, and feet on the trenchcoated body of a Koozebane Kermit. I also think that Telly is made from a Palisades Fozzie. Not half badly, either. Alex
  10. Dearth

    My Muppet Show Stop-Motion Animation

    Very ambitious! Coming from a background as an action figure customizer, the main problem that I see is the limited poseability of the existing Palisades articulation. It would be extremely interesting to see this done with modified figures, along the lines of how Robot Chicken does things...
  11. Dearth

    Custom figures and dioramas

    Great likeness on the face!
  12. Dearth

    Custom figures and dioramas

    No, I have a bunch of Muppet projects that are unfinished, don't I? Right now I am directing a play (Little Shop of Horrors) and working on building a life-size proton pack for my Ghostbusters Halloween costume. Maybe after November 1st I can get some Muppet stuff done. I did see that...
  13. Dearth

    Remembering Jerry Nelson (July 10, 1934-August 23, 2012)

    Awesome, had never heard of that one before. That's what I love about the Muppets, there's always something new to track down. And the joy of finding those new tidbits is what keeps those performers immortal, in a way. There's still more of Jerry to discover. Another silver lining. Alex
  14. Dearth

    Uncle Deadly as Palpatine, Bean Bunny as Wicket figures announced

    Have they announced any other *new* characters besides Deadly/Palpatine and Bean/Wicket? Gonzo/Vader and the Camilla/Imperial lackey figure were already available from Disney just, what, last year? Why do I have to buy them again so soon? I found a pic of the concept art for Bean, and he...
  15. Dearth

    Remembering Jerry Nelson (July 10, 1934-August 23, 2012)

    Nice video. I had never heard Truro Daydreams, I may have to check it out now. What's the clip of Jerry with Fozzie, Kermit, and Sweetums near the end? At about the 5:45 mark? Alex
  16. Dearth

    Remembering Jerry Nelson (July 10, 1934-August 23, 2012)

    That's been the one silver lining about the whole thing. I was *really* depressed earlier when I heard the news, and then the same thought occurred to me that he and his daughter were reunited, and it made it far more bearable. Alex
  17. Dearth

    Remembering Jerry Nelson (July 10, 1934-August 23, 2012)

    I made this today for my Facebook cover photo. As soon as I find my Floyd action figure I will probably retake it. My wife was upset to hear this, Jerry was her favorite Muppet performer, she loved his incredible range. My sons were just listening to songs like "Henrietta's Wedding" and...
  18. Dearth

    Custom figures and dioramas

    Love it! Great work on the hair. Alex
  19. Dearth

    Invisible Fozzie, and a question for customisers/repairers

    I've performed magnet flops on a couple of my Palisades figures. You just have to cut the magnet out of one or the other. I usually cut it out of the hat. Then put it back in the other way, and sparingly glue the piece cut from the hat back into place. (You don't want to accidentally glue the...
  20. Dearth

    Dearth/Alex's Customs and Dioramas v2

    Well, I finally got back around to my Jurasick Pork project from last summer. I bought two partial Kenner Jurassic Park jungle explorers and removed the original labels. My printer is currently on the fritz, but luckily I had printed several extra Jurasick Pork labels last year when making...