Recent content by Gloria85

  1. Gloria85

    Favorite Character on Fraggle Rock

    I would have to say that Mokey is my favorite character of all time. She's a talented artist and poet and she has a very compassionate and altruistic side. I like Red too and Gobo. And Boober's always hilarious. Wembley is okay. And I absolutley love Uncle Matt! His traveling adventures...
  2. Gloria85

    Froz's art and poems

    Love the one of Mokey and Wembley!
  3. Gloria85

    Deleted scene in the Muppets Take Manhattan

    I heard there was a deleted scene where Statler and Waldorf go up to talk to Kermit in his dressing room. My friend had a book which has a pic of this scene. But I was wondering, is this deleted scene on the DVD? And does anyone have a screencap of it or a transcript? Thanks.
  4. Gloria85

    New Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself

    Hi, Huge muppets fan. Joined here to post my artwork.
  5. Gloria85

    Which Muppet are You Most Like

    I'm most like Mokey Fraggle.
  6. Gloria85

    FanArt: Janice

    Hope you guys like it. My sketch of Janice:flirt: