The 2012 Presidential Election: Mitt Romney vs. Barack Obama

Who will you vote for in the 2012 Presidential Election?

  • Mitt Romney

    Votes: 10 50.0%
  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 10 50.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2009
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I'm very glad that Obama and his family gets to spend another four years in the White House. He has problems of his own, but I feel that it's better for him to be there for a while longer.

Unfortunately, Joe Arpaio remains Maricopa County's sheriff in the local elections. You know, the so-called "toughest sheriff in the world" and also a big Obama birther. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2009
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I'm disappointed Obama won. I definitely believe that Romney would do a better job. Obama's only going to make it worse.

But, politics aside... Isn't it ironic that the poll is pretty much the nation turned out? In a tie.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2011
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Schoolhouse Rock Characters-Electorial College and we deserve a yell


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2012
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I'm also gonna say I don't care if your red or blue or even independant in the end were ALL Americans and we need to work together!!! Sitting there and bashing each others affiliations or even politicians isn't gonna get anything done! It's been going on on TV, newspapers, and yes EVEN on this forum. It's why it took me so long to even to register to vote because I absolutely HATE taking sides. I see points on both sides of the fence so I am probably the absolute worst person when it comes to politics to begin with. I'm not saying it isn't okay to have differences but sometimes you need to put those aside so you can accomplish things and maybe just maybe you'll learn something about the other you never knew.

I've seen so much hate from both sides throughout this whole election. Even reading comments about how some wish that Obama or Romney would just die? That's just plain cruel! I don't care how much you dislike either candidate don't ever wish death on someone because it could come back to bite you in the rear!

Jim Henson was all about team work no matter what the differences but he also embraced those differences as well. And I feel like we as people need to do the same.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Even though Obama won the re-election, the problem is that it's not even going to be worth it, just like his last election was: for the past four years, every time Obama tried to extend help to those who need it (namely middle and lower class Americans, people who have no have no decent health care because they have no money, among others), the Republicans were the biggest bunch of sore losers, that they cut him off at the pass every time, preventing him from putting any of his plans into action... THEN, when he wasn't able to do anything, then they turned right around and pointed their fingers at him like, "Hey! You didn't live up to your promises! You suck as president!", when they were the ones who stopped him from keeping his promises.

So sure, Obama won again, but this is just going to be another four years of the Republicans stopping him at every turn at trying to help Americans, then blaming him for not doing anything to help Americans.


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2012
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I'm also gonna say I don't care if your red or blue or even independant in the end were ALL Americans and we need to work together!!! Sitting there and bashing each others affiliations or even politicians isn't gonna get anything done! It's been going on on TV, newspapers, and yes EVEN on this forum. It's why it took me so long to even to register to vote because I absolutely HATE taking sides. I see points on both sides of the fence so I am probably the absolute worst person when it comes to politics to begin with. I'm not saying it isn't okay to have differences but sometimes you need to put those aside so you can accomplish things and maybe just maybe you'll learn something about the other you never knew.

I've seen so much hate from both sides throughout this whole election. Even reading comments about how some wish that Obama or Romney would just die? That's just plain cruel! I don't care how much you dislike either candidate don't ever wish death on someone because it could come back to bite you in the rear!

Jim Henson was all about team work no matter what the differences but he also embraced those differences as well. And I feel like we as people need to do the same.
I definitely agree with all said...politics has went from something civilized and fair in the early days of America to just a big pile of cruelty...I mean, do I really even want a president that bashes the other candidate?

And all politics really does is create more hate between three of what I consider good friends had a huge fight that may be threatening all friendships between everyone, simply because one friend thinks that Republicans are a bunch of greedy no-good people, and the two other friends think that Bush and Romney should be considered the saviors of the world...and these are generally nice people, too... :sigh:

It's just so frustrating, really, when this is what comes out of the right to elect your leaders...I don't think this is how it was meant to be...


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2012
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So your saying not much change is gonna happen? :stick_out_tongue:

Hubert makes some great points it's another reason why I hate politics I can't tell you how many friendships I've seen end over it. If you can have a civilized discussion about your differences by all means I am all for it. But don't sit there and tell someone their wrong just because you don't agree with it. People need to know when to just say agree to disagree and move on! I mean it's obvious your not gonna change the other persons minds about their beliefs to begin with so why add more to the fire as they say? Life is too short!


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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good friends had a huge fight that may be threatening all friendships between everyone, simply because one friend thinks that Republicans are a bunch of greedy no-good people, and the two other friends think that Bush and Romney should be considered the saviors of the world...and these are generally nice people, too... :sigh:
People are too obsessed with belonging to a group or looking up to a leader. No group or leader should become more important than friends. That goes for both so-called liberals and conservatives.