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Here's a request from Greengables95! Enjoy!
GUEST STAR: Pat Benatar
STYLE: Mid Season 5 (between Debbie Harry and Mac Davis)
Pops is trying to play the xylophone when Pat enters, walking a tiger.
Pops: Who are you?
Pat: Pat Benatar. I'm your guest star on the Muppet Show tonight.
Pops: Oh yeah, I just remembered something. We don't allow pets in this theater.
Pat: Really? Aww, that's too bad.
Tiger: Yeah, I feel really terrible about myself too. I'll go wait in the car.
Pat: Will you pick me up around.....-checks watch-....10?
Tiger: 10 is fine. I'm gonna go to the gas station if you need me. -leave-
Pops: I wonder who got their license first, the lady or the tiger?
TRUMPET GAG: Gonzo spits out cereal from his trumpet.
Gonzo: Well, it is the most important meal of the day.
Kermit: Thank you, thank you, and welcome again to The Muppet Show. Hey, we're gonna have a kickin' show for you tonight......
Waldorf: Did you say there's going to be kicking on this show tonight?
Kermit: No, I didn't mean it like.....
Statler: I think your hearing aid is off again. Here, let me fix it. -kicks Waldorf off the balcony- Oops. Sorry. -laughs-
Kermit: Oh boy...anyways, our guest star tonight is one of the most talented ladies of rock 'n' roll, Miss Pat Benatar!
Audience: Ooooooooh.
Kermit: Yes. But first, a song that probably describes Miss Piggy's love for fashion pretty well....
MUSICAL NUMBER: Shop Around, lead by Miss Piggy, backed up by three Paris model-esque whatnots, in a Paris setting. Throughout the song, Miss Piggy changes into different outfits and types, including a princess outfit, a swimsuit, a cowgirl outfit, and, by the end of the song, a punk rock 'n' roll outfit. (which makes her feel humiliated)
Statler notices that Waldorf in looking a catalog.
Statler: What are you shopping around for?
Waldorf: The first train ticket out of here.
Both: Dohohohoho
Miss Piggy: Kermie! Kermie, why!?!?!
Kermit: Why what?
Miss Piggy: Why this outfit?
Kermit: The one you're wearing now?
Miss Piggy: Yes, love. I look ridiculous in it! Look at me!
Kermit: Piggy, you look fine.
Miss Piggy: No....I look like I just came from a horror movie.
Uncle Deadly: -passing by- Then what do I look like? Huh? -leaves-
Miss Piggy: Weirdo! Humph.
Pat: Miss Piggy, what's the matter?
Miss Piggy: My outfit....I look.....-notices Pat's outfit, whom looks like a 1920's flapper-....amazing.
Pat: I wish I had your outfit on right now, Miss Piggy.
Miss Piggy: -gasp- Really? Err....I mean, yes. Moi does look amazing.
Pat: Yeah, you do. I'm not really diggin' this flapper outfit right. But, hey, I can deal with it.
Kermit: Oh, Pat, are you ready for your number?
Pat: I guess so, Kermit. Whenever you're ready, I am.
Pat and Kermit then head onstage, leaving Miss Piggy by herself to think.
Miss Piggy: Hmmm....maybe moi should consider something from this. Benefit. Hmmmm.
Miss Piggy then reads something in the newspaper that was left there by Kermit and then dials a number on a nearby telephone.
Kermit: Okay, it is now my privilege to introduce our guest star, Pat Benatar, as an elegant 1920's flapper. Here she is, Miss Pat Benatar! YAAAAAAAAY!
MUSICAL NUMBER: Heartbreaker, sung by Pat, as a flapper in a 1920's nightclub setting. She also dances in this number with The Mutations.
Statler: These time periods are so confusing.
Waldorf: What do you mean? Isn't this the Stone Age?
Statler: It's not if the stone keeps breaking.
Both: Dohohohohoho
BEAR ON PATROL: Patrol Bear arrests a Circus Monkey, who says he has psychic powers and mind control. At one point, the Circus Monkey uses his telekinetic powers to throw the Police Chief (Link Hogthrob) off the stage.
Kermit: Fozzie, what happened out there?
Fozzie: The monkey has gone King Kong on us! Run for your lives! Ahhhhhhhhh! -runs off-
Circus Monkey: Hey, get back here! I still need to show my power to break glass using my voice. -runs after Fozzie-
Kermit: I better go find some ear plugs before the circus monkey starts to sing opera selections. Scooter!
Scooter rushes in, wearing an outfit that is very similar to Miss Piggy's punk rock 'n' roll outfit.
Scooter: Yes, boss?
Kermit: -widens eyes- Scooter, what are you wearing?
Scooter: Oh, it's the latest fashion craze.
Kermit: You? Fashion crazes? That's something Miss Piggy would be worrying about.
Scooter: But this fashion IS by Miss Piggy.
Kermit: What!!?!?!
Scooter: Yeah, everybody's wearing them. She calls it "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll."
Kermit: Uhh....Ahem. Anyways, Scooter, will you get me some earplugs before the monkey starts to............
The Circus Monkey, from offstage, sings a high note and breaks nearby glass, including Scooter's glasses.
Kermit:.....Never mind.
MUSICAL NUMBER: Do That To Me One More Time, sung by Gonzo in his "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll" outfit, singing to the chickens. At the end, the chickens peck Gonzo in loving affection.
(In this, the Newsman is also wearing a "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll" outfit)
Newsman: Here's a Muppet News Flash! "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll," created by The Muppet Show's own Miss Piggy, is quickly becoming one of the most popular fashion trends of all time in a record of 10 minutes. In only 5 minutes, this outfit has been sold to 100,000,000 people nationwide, to both men and women alike. And even I'm happy to be wearing this ridiculous outfit....because it's actually really cool!
All of a sudden, a group of female whatnots attack The Newsman and rip off his "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll" outfit.
BACKSTAGE (Pat's Dressing Room):
Pat: -looking up from her magazine- "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll........" -sigh-
There's a knock on the door.
Pat: Come in.
Kermit enters. (He is not wearing a "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll" outfit)
Kermit: Hi, Pat.
Pat: Hey, Kermit.
Kermit: What's the matter?
Pat: It's this whole "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll" fad.
Kermit: Oh yeah.....it's driving me kinda crazy too.
Pat: I tell Miss Piggy the outfit looks nice on her and she goes out making her outfit a fashion craze. I mean, don't you find that a little.....crazy?
Kermit: Yes, saying that crazy is our popular word of the day. What am I to do?
Pat: Kermit, you don't have to follow the craze if you don't have to. Fads and crazes, they all fade away eventually.
MUSICAL NUMBER: Yesterday, sung by Kermit and Pat.
MUPPET SPORTS: Dress Wrestling (A group of whatnots fight off in "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll" outfits on the escalator of a mall)
Kermit is pacing around when Scooter comes in and sets down a box on the desk.
Scooter: Hey, Kermit. There's a package here for you.
Kermit: From who?
Scooter: Miss Piggy.
Kermit: Why?
Scooter: I think we all know why. -goes off-
Kermit then reads then opens the package and retrieves a card from the package. It reads:
Dear Kermie,
Moi specifically requested that this "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll" outfit inside be made just for vous, mon capitan. I hope vous enjoy it!
Miss Piggy
Kermit then takes out a green version of the "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll" outfit.
Kermit: -sigh- If you can't be 'em, you might as well join 'em. -goes off and then comes back on, with his "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll" outfit on- Hey, this actually doesn't feel so bad.
Uncle Deadly: -passing by- Ha ha! Now who looks he came from a horror movie? -leaves-
Kermit: Geesh. -goes onstage-
Kermit: And now, the moment you've all been waiting for, our very special guest star, Miss Pat Benatar, singing her top charting number and exciting number "Hit Me With Your Best Shot!" YAAAAAY!!!!!
MUSICAL NUMBER: Hit Me With Your Best Shot, sung by Pat and Miss Piggy (both are in "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll" outfits), accompanied by The Electric Mayhem (all members are also in "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll" outfits as well).
Kermit: Well folks, it looks like as well that ends well, even in the fashion world. But before we go, let us thank our guest star once again, Miss Pat Benatar! YAAAAAY!
Pat: Kermit, I really enjoyed this evening. And I really enjoy this outfit too. Can I keep it?
Kermit: Of course, Pat.
Miss Piggy: -comes on, now out of her "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll" outfit- Oh please. That outfit was so 25 minutes ago.
Pat: -to Kermit- I told you fads go by pretty quick around here.
Kermit: Ummm, we'll see you next time on The Muppet Show!
(Goodnights: Kermit, Miss Piggy, Gonzo, Fozzie, Scooter, Floyd and a few chickens (*All except Miss Piggy are in "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll" outfits)
Statler and Waldorf are in "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll" outfits.
Statler: Why are we wearing an outfit created by a pig?
Waldorf: I'm not sure. Maybe next, they'll make an outfit created by cows.
Cow: Mooooo! That's not funny! -hits Statler and Waldorf with tail, which makes them fall off the balcony- Well, c'mon! Hit me with your best shot! Don't be chickens!
Well, here you go, Greengables95! I hope you enjoyed this outline. And I hope the rest of you did, too!
GUEST STAR: Pat Benatar
STYLE: Mid Season 5 (between Debbie Harry and Mac Davis)
Pops is trying to play the xylophone when Pat enters, walking a tiger.
Pops: Who are you?
Pat: Pat Benatar. I'm your guest star on the Muppet Show tonight.
Pops: Oh yeah, I just remembered something. We don't allow pets in this theater.
Pat: Really? Aww, that's too bad.
Tiger: Yeah, I feel really terrible about myself too. I'll go wait in the car.
Pat: Will you pick me up around.....-checks watch-....10?
Tiger: 10 is fine. I'm gonna go to the gas station if you need me. -leave-
Pops: I wonder who got their license first, the lady or the tiger?
TRUMPET GAG: Gonzo spits out cereal from his trumpet.
Gonzo: Well, it is the most important meal of the day.
Kermit: Thank you, thank you, and welcome again to The Muppet Show. Hey, we're gonna have a kickin' show for you tonight......
Waldorf: Did you say there's going to be kicking on this show tonight?
Kermit: No, I didn't mean it like.....
Statler: I think your hearing aid is off again. Here, let me fix it. -kicks Waldorf off the balcony- Oops. Sorry. -laughs-
Kermit: Oh boy...anyways, our guest star tonight is one of the most talented ladies of rock 'n' roll, Miss Pat Benatar!
Audience: Ooooooooh.
Kermit: Yes. But first, a song that probably describes Miss Piggy's love for fashion pretty well....
MUSICAL NUMBER: Shop Around, lead by Miss Piggy, backed up by three Paris model-esque whatnots, in a Paris setting. Throughout the song, Miss Piggy changes into different outfits and types, including a princess outfit, a swimsuit, a cowgirl outfit, and, by the end of the song, a punk rock 'n' roll outfit. (which makes her feel humiliated)
Statler notices that Waldorf in looking a catalog.
Statler: What are you shopping around for?
Waldorf: The first train ticket out of here.
Both: Dohohohoho
Miss Piggy: Kermie! Kermie, why!?!?!
Kermit: Why what?
Miss Piggy: Why this outfit?
Kermit: The one you're wearing now?
Miss Piggy: Yes, love. I look ridiculous in it! Look at me!
Kermit: Piggy, you look fine.
Miss Piggy: No....I look like I just came from a horror movie.
Uncle Deadly: -passing by- Then what do I look like? Huh? -leaves-
Miss Piggy: Weirdo! Humph.
Pat: Miss Piggy, what's the matter?
Miss Piggy: My outfit....I look.....-notices Pat's outfit, whom looks like a 1920's flapper-....amazing.
Pat: I wish I had your outfit on right now, Miss Piggy.
Miss Piggy: -gasp- Really? Err....I mean, yes. Moi does look amazing.
Pat: Yeah, you do. I'm not really diggin' this flapper outfit right. But, hey, I can deal with it.
Kermit: Oh, Pat, are you ready for your number?
Pat: I guess so, Kermit. Whenever you're ready, I am.
Pat and Kermit then head onstage, leaving Miss Piggy by herself to think.
Miss Piggy: Hmmm....maybe moi should consider something from this. Benefit. Hmmmm.
Miss Piggy then reads something in the newspaper that was left there by Kermit and then dials a number on a nearby telephone.
Kermit: Okay, it is now my privilege to introduce our guest star, Pat Benatar, as an elegant 1920's flapper. Here she is, Miss Pat Benatar! YAAAAAAAAY!
MUSICAL NUMBER: Heartbreaker, sung by Pat, as a flapper in a 1920's nightclub setting. She also dances in this number with The Mutations.
Statler: These time periods are so confusing.
Waldorf: What do you mean? Isn't this the Stone Age?
Statler: It's not if the stone keeps breaking.
Both: Dohohohohoho
BEAR ON PATROL: Patrol Bear arrests a Circus Monkey, who says he has psychic powers and mind control. At one point, the Circus Monkey uses his telekinetic powers to throw the Police Chief (Link Hogthrob) off the stage.
Kermit: Fozzie, what happened out there?
Fozzie: The monkey has gone King Kong on us! Run for your lives! Ahhhhhhhhh! -runs off-
Circus Monkey: Hey, get back here! I still need to show my power to break glass using my voice. -runs after Fozzie-
Kermit: I better go find some ear plugs before the circus monkey starts to sing opera selections. Scooter!
Scooter rushes in, wearing an outfit that is very similar to Miss Piggy's punk rock 'n' roll outfit.
Scooter: Yes, boss?
Kermit: -widens eyes- Scooter, what are you wearing?
Scooter: Oh, it's the latest fashion craze.
Kermit: You? Fashion crazes? That's something Miss Piggy would be worrying about.
Scooter: But this fashion IS by Miss Piggy.
Kermit: What!!?!?!
Scooter: Yeah, everybody's wearing them. She calls it "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll."
Kermit: Uhh....Ahem. Anyways, Scooter, will you get me some earplugs before the monkey starts to............
The Circus Monkey, from offstage, sings a high note and breaks nearby glass, including Scooter's glasses.
Kermit:.....Never mind.
MUSICAL NUMBER: Do That To Me One More Time, sung by Gonzo in his "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll" outfit, singing to the chickens. At the end, the chickens peck Gonzo in loving affection.
(In this, the Newsman is also wearing a "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll" outfit)
Newsman: Here's a Muppet News Flash! "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll," created by The Muppet Show's own Miss Piggy, is quickly becoming one of the most popular fashion trends of all time in a record of 10 minutes. In only 5 minutes, this outfit has been sold to 100,000,000 people nationwide, to both men and women alike. And even I'm happy to be wearing this ridiculous outfit....because it's actually really cool!
All of a sudden, a group of female whatnots attack The Newsman and rip off his "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll" outfit.
BACKSTAGE (Pat's Dressing Room):
Pat: -looking up from her magazine- "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll........" -sigh-
There's a knock on the door.
Pat: Come in.
Kermit enters. (He is not wearing a "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll" outfit)
Kermit: Hi, Pat.
Pat: Hey, Kermit.
Kermit: What's the matter?
Pat: It's this whole "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll" fad.
Kermit: Oh yeah.....it's driving me kinda crazy too.
Pat: I tell Miss Piggy the outfit looks nice on her and she goes out making her outfit a fashion craze. I mean, don't you find that a little.....crazy?
Kermit: Yes, saying that crazy is our popular word of the day. What am I to do?
Pat: Kermit, you don't have to follow the craze if you don't have to. Fads and crazes, they all fade away eventually.
MUSICAL NUMBER: Yesterday, sung by Kermit and Pat.
MUPPET SPORTS: Dress Wrestling (A group of whatnots fight off in "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll" outfits on the escalator of a mall)
Kermit is pacing around when Scooter comes in and sets down a box on the desk.
Scooter: Hey, Kermit. There's a package here for you.
Kermit: From who?
Scooter: Miss Piggy.
Kermit: Why?
Scooter: I think we all know why. -goes off-
Kermit then reads then opens the package and retrieves a card from the package. It reads:
Dear Kermie,
Moi specifically requested that this "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll" outfit inside be made just for vous, mon capitan. I hope vous enjoy it!
Miss Piggy
Kermit then takes out a green version of the "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll" outfit.
Kermit: -sigh- If you can't be 'em, you might as well join 'em. -goes off and then comes back on, with his "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll" outfit on- Hey, this actually doesn't feel so bad.
Uncle Deadly: -passing by- Ha ha! Now who looks he came from a horror movie? -leaves-
Kermit: Geesh. -goes onstage-
Kermit: And now, the moment you've all been waiting for, our very special guest star, Miss Pat Benatar, singing her top charting number and exciting number "Hit Me With Your Best Shot!" YAAAAAY!!!!!
MUSICAL NUMBER: Hit Me With Your Best Shot, sung by Pat and Miss Piggy (both are in "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll" outfits), accompanied by The Electric Mayhem (all members are also in "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll" outfits as well).
Kermit: Well folks, it looks like as well that ends well, even in the fashion world. But before we go, let us thank our guest star once again, Miss Pat Benatar! YAAAAAY!
Pat: Kermit, I really enjoyed this evening. And I really enjoy this outfit too. Can I keep it?
Kermit: Of course, Pat.
Miss Piggy: -comes on, now out of her "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll" outfit- Oh please. That outfit was so 25 minutes ago.
Pat: -to Kermit- I told you fads go by pretty quick around here.
Kermit: Ummm, we'll see you next time on The Muppet Show!
(Goodnights: Kermit, Miss Piggy, Gonzo, Fozzie, Scooter, Floyd and a few chickens (*All except Miss Piggy are in "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll" outfits)
Statler and Waldorf are in "Piggy Rock 'n' Roll" outfits.
Statler: Why are we wearing an outfit created by a pig?
Waldorf: I'm not sure. Maybe next, they'll make an outfit created by cows.
Cow: Mooooo! That's not funny! -hits Statler and Waldorf with tail, which makes them fall off the balcony- Well, c'mon! Hit me with your best shot! Don't be chickens!
Well, here you go, Greengables95! I hope you enjoyed this outline. And I hope the rest of you did, too!