I'm kind of getting back into The Munsters myself, I watched it all the time during my high school years. I must have been the only kid in high school who appreciated old school. lol I'm still trying to get the complete Munsters on DVD myself when I get the extra cash. I did buy an episode of The Munsters from iTunes to show to my best friend and, I don't know, he didn't find it funny. It was the episode where Herman falls asleep in his car and two robbers take off with it. There was a part in the episode where Lily (that's Human's wife's name right?) calls the police to go find Herman and they end up picking up this certain individualism who had one too many drinks. lol So they get him off from the streets and drive him to The Munsters' house. And he's sleeping in Herman's bed and wakes up in shock to see Lily and Grandpa "Oh no, I went to the other place, and your the Devil!" he starts to run for his life and Grandpa puts a freeze spell on him as he jumps of the bed. And it's so funny also because of the limitations of film / TV special effects back then which makes it even more campy funny. lol So Grandpa comes back to the room since Herman came back home from a rough day, Grandpa tells the man that he's going to unfreeze him. After a few failures he gives up and mumbles "Aw, Fiddlesticks" and the man crashes on the floor. lol I just love the slapstick of that show. My kind of humor. lol
By the way, wasn't there an episode where Herman and Grandpa were in the lab and there was some explosion and Grandpa calls Herman a "Jack***", I think I remember seeing that on TV Land. lol
I think it only made since to show my best friend some Munsters during our early Halloween get together "He spend Halloween at Walt Disney World by himself", because I wanted to show him Gremlins 2 (I'm a HUGE FAN!) and Grandpa Munster is in fact in the movie through out with his cheap hand puppet crossed-eyed dragon named "Igor", may I add the teeth falls out of the puppets' mouth too. lol
Lately, I've also been getting into Addam's Family more and more. It's a great genre mix for me. I've always had a bit of a dark morbid sense of humor but silliness, wackiness and slapstick have always been my true love before satire, comedy is totally my thing. But just to see a genre where it's dark humor pertrayed in a Wacky slapsticky sort of way, it's like heaven to me. I love the 90s movies, the 60s show is okay. I love the original comics from Charles Addams. Plus I just recently got into the 90s Addams Family cartoon which I guess is a revival mix of the 90s movie and the Hanna Barbera cartoon series. The jokes in it is just amazing. lol
One of my favorite lines from the 1990s movies is Martica looking in a closet and there's bodybags and she reads the tags and puts them on a pile on the floor. "Uncle Nicknacks Spring Wardrobe, Uncle Nicknacks Winter Wardrobe,....Uncle Nicknack, ah here's what I'm looking for." lol
I remember hearing loads of times in my life so far. Which one is better, Addams Family or The Munsters. Personally I love them both and there's no need to compare. They are in the same genre but two completely different families. Addams Family is a rich family who just loves the culture and dark art and just have twisted fun all the time and The Munsters is a complex family, sort of a goofy spoof version of Universal's Monsters but in a slapsticky sort of way. It still amazes me that Universal City approved and produced it. lol
One more thing I wanted to add, funny story I remember hearing. One of The Simpsons Treehouse of Horrors, the ending credits music was a combination of The Munsters, Addam's Family and The Simpsons theme song and Fox got sued by both of them for it. lol It's on the commentary on the dvd, forgot which one it's on. I really need to get The Simpsons Season 12, because that Treehouse of Horror has The Simpsons homage opening to The Munsters. I still remember Homer shaking his head and laughing Herman style as he goes out the door. lol It's really funny.