What is your least favorite Muppet Movie?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I'll be honest, I probably won't be watching The Muppets too much again unless a friend wants to. Overall I was just very relieved it didn't have the mean spirited nonsense of some of the previous projects. So for me it was a compromise. :smile:
Exactly. Sorry Princeton, but even if I hated the film, it still would pale in comparison to how freaking terrible Muppet Oz was. At worst, The Muppets was an ascended fan fic. A well meaning fan fic, at that. To blame the lack of Rowlf in it makes no sense, as they're easing the character back in and he historically has had small roles in the films even the first 3. His biggest moment in film was the duet with Kermit in the first one. He didn't even have more than a couple lines of song and the "I speak dog" bit in GMC, and he may have had a small side bit in MTM at the kennel, he didn't have a major role in that film either. And you got to admit, a couple lines is better than "AWWWW." I just don't get the "X didn't have enough screentime" complaint when this film gave characters that never had screentime their first major film roles.

No... Oz is a spectacular failure across the board. Ugly film angles, terrible songs, one pretty good but VERY disturbing song, terribly awkward chemistry with a human star that couldn't act, and just over all dark, disturbing and nasty. Even darker, nastier and more disturbing than Kermit's alternate timeline in VMX, and at least THAT has being a negative universe where horrible things happen to blame. Not to mention the garbage cameos. Kelly Osborne?!?! What the WHAT!?! And if you think Statler and Waldorf were bad in TM, they were downright hateful as the Kalidahs in Moz. To be fair, yet another damaging edit to TM was that Statler and Waldorf were going to donate the last dollar, but I guess they thought Uncle Deadly's change of heart was all the change of heart they needed in the film.

Oz's good point? Scooter was in it and the Electric Mayhem did perform a number that had one word in it. Still, what the heck was the excuse for having the thing shot to look like the Adam West Batman show?


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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At worst, The Muppets was an ascended fan fic. A well meaning fan fic, at that.
As I've said many times before, that's exactly was IAVMMCM was... except instead of being a well-meaning fanfic, it was a fanfic written by some emo guy who had just recently crawled out his recent depressive funk, and decided he wanted to try to write a mashup of It's a Wonderful Life and the Muppets, and came out with IAVMMCM, then gave it to NBC so they could turn it into a movie.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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As I've said many times before, that's exactly was IAVMMCM was... except instead of being a well-meaning fanfic, it was a fanfic written by some emo guy who had just recently crawled out his recent depressive funk, and decided he wanted to try to write a mashup of It's a Wonderful Life and the Muppets, and came out with IAVMMCM, then gave it to NBC so they could turn it into a movie.
Partially right. It's a mashup of ALL the Christmas specials and references and cliches they could get away with at one time. The film came out when people were actually watching and liking the Scary Movie series, so you can tell where the humor comes from. It's hit or miss, some stuff actually worked quite well, other stuff just felt like reference overload. It doesn't age well, but it has some solid moments in between the noisy bits.

MWOZ was trying to do VMX, but failing even worse. Like the later Scary Movie/Parody movie films.


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2008
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I don't really see any project as the "worst"; there are some I consider boring and don't intend to watch as much, but that's mostly specials. Of the original three, MTM is my least favorite because it's not as funny as the previous two (GMC especially, which is my favorite, despite its flaws [I don't like "Couldn't We Ride" and "Piggy's Fantasy, the latter totally unnecessary])


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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Kermit's Swamp Years is the one that gives me pain. I cringed all through it. I didn't enjoy Muppet Treasure Island either, but it doesn't have the deep hurting factor that KSY did, and there were some fun moments.

What an appropriate sig I have. At least the discussion is fitting for this thread.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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What an appropriate sig I have. At least the discussion is fitting for this thread.

About that sig.

To be fair, MFS could have been a good movie had we a decent director that understood what the Muppets were about and left Joey's pass of the script alone. VMX (I really like, VMX BTW) isn't bad considering the style of humor didn't age too well, and it really calls itself a movie when it means feature length TV special. Take out the nonstop pop culture references, and it had some strong moments. Especially the alternate reality sequence between Kermit and Piggy. That's almost heartbreaking. There's NOTHING that could have saved MWOZ. It was a dumb idea for a movie anyway, especially since there were much stronger scripts floating around.

And I can't speak for KSY, since I'm still the only one here that didn't see it.