Would anyone here say that a learning difficulty is the same as a disability?
Basically, without much more information, it would have to severely inhibit learning and it would affect multiple subject areas, as many areas require the same skills that are affected by a learning disability. Just because you have a hard time learning math or something, does not mean you have a disability.
When it comes to learning disabilities, there aren't really "specific" learning disabilities. It all really comes down to what skills are affected and how severely it affects the students. Without knowing background information and grade trends of the student, you cannot judge if a student has a learning disability.
In fact, students need to go through something called the "pre-referral process" to determine if it is really a disability, or simply someone who just needs more practice, or if there is something more going on in the household. Its a monitoring/intervention method to prevent students from being put in special ed when they really shouldn't be.