In the words of Elaine Benes, "Fake-fake-fake-fake-fake..."
At least I HOPE... the DVD cover art looks like it could have been done in Photoshop, I can't really say anything about the trailer, because I can't see a trailer for some reason (got a direct link?).
Either way, I really don't think this is too legit, looking closely at the cover art, that certainly doesn't look like the WB shield on the spine, and we know Warner Bros. currently holds the distribution rights to SST DVDs; not only that, but we also know the folks at then-CTW knew this special was a flop, they made it that way on purpose, because they were forced to make two Christmas specials that same year, but CEOSST was meant to be a success; they knew ASSSTC wouldn't be so much, and they didn't care, as long as CEOSST was a success, that's all that mattered.