What happened to Bean Bunny?


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2010
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Last time I've seen Bean Bunny was at Muppet Fest but afterwords he disappeared. Perhaps it's due to Steve performing Kermit as his main character perhaps, I'm not sure. Even Rizzo is slowly not in the spotlight as much. He didn't have much of a speaking line which is very surprising, only one verse of Life's a Happy Song near the end (Love that song lol).

But yeah Bean, I sort of liked Bean because he was kind of this pain of the neck cutsy character than everyone hated sort of. I remember a Brian Henson quote "Everyone Loves To Hate Bean Bunny." lol and I remember Scooter said on The Muppets Go To Disney World "Well Bean's the cute one because none of us wanted the job." lol

You know what's interesting is that Bean came from an alternative project outside The Muppets and still I have no idea who owns The Tale of The Bunny Picnic. I would think The Jim Henson Company still owns it but Disney owns Bean even though Bean kind of retired.
The Tale of The Bunny Picnic I sort of find funny in a campy sort of way for some reason. Don't get me wrong, lot of the best Muppeteers were on there, lot of my favorites and the music for "Hello Sunshine" and the others were amazing. I'm still trying to figure out the genre. Is it like folk rock choir? Very Fraggle Rock like, same two guys that did the music from the show right?

Anyway it's funny how he came from this very harmony positive tale and then less than 5 years later working with The Muppets and being a pest to Miss Piggy in Muppet Vision 3D. Which makes me think, he's got to be own by Disney because Muppet Vision 3D is still running strong at Disney World.

But yeah, I figure I bring it up while it was on my mind.

Before I forget, my favorite Bean moment was him as Beanbo on The Jim Henson Hour "Now cute has learned to kill!" lol classic


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2011
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What happened to him? Well, he got knocked over by a Christmas wreath and an old man's ill-will, he got smushed by a door during a pig's big diva entrance at breakfast, he...I'm pretty sure he got something heavy dropped on him at some point...who knows what all else. The little dude probably swore off show business and hopped home to his mommy. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2010
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He was going to be in The Muppets, but they couldn't fit him in. At least they wanted to include him! Maybe we will see more of him in future productions!


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2010
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Bean was in IAVMMCM, and Muppets Wizard of Oz. He hasn't been seen since then..
Really? I don't remember seeing him in It's a Very Merry and defenatly didn't spot him in Wizard. Where was he in wizard? Could be part of the Biker Monkeys. lol


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2010
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He was going to be in The Muppets, but they couldn't fit him in. At least they wanted to include him! Maybe we will see more of him in future productions!
Maybe he was in the crowd scene at the end. I know Robin was in the background. I would need to analyze it when I have time. Probably my next car ride perhaps, I have the digital copy on my ipod when I bought the big 3 pack. lol :smile:


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2011
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I think he was designed to be a "showcase" type character and then with Jim's death kind of had to be put to the side because Steve had to take over the large responsibility of playing Kermit. I don't know what kind of niche he could find in the current arrangement of the Muppets.


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2010
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I think he was designed to be a "showcase" type character and then with Jim's death kind of had to be put to the side because Steve had to take over the large responsibility of playing Kermit. I don't know what kind of niche he could find in the current arrangement of the Muppets.
Perhaps the pain in the neck cutsy character that he always has been since The Jim Henson Hour. lol Elmo was kind of like that during the 80s but of course he changed. But I would like just one Muppet in some Muppet universe to take that duty. And it's great satire because just the typical mainstream lie belief about puppets and cartoons are all cute and for children blah blah blah, Bean satirizes that whole cutsy cartoony kind of thing and The Muppets push him away from the spotlight. lol I always found that funny. There was one cold opening on The Jim Henson Hour where Kermit roughed him up by throwing him away from the camera. Perhaps it's the K.D. Lang episode I think. Amazing guest star by the way, glad she was with The Muppets :smile:


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2011
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I guess that work, but I could see that gimmick getting old really fast depending on how it was used, also that sort of joke about puppets/cartoons being only for children is starting to lose some of its zing since there is increasing respect for those art forms.