I don't know if this certain site was discussed yet, but Google is apparently going after youtube-to-MP3 as well, which is awful. I'm sure there are other sites to use, but that site was amazingly easy for grabbing songs. That was how I grabbed all the songs I liked from the first two seasons of TMS and a lot of other stuff. Guess I better find somewhere else.
DUDE! It's totally the RIAA. They've been going after the internet since people stopped buying one hit wonder rap artist CD's that were flooding the market at the time. Totally not
their fault for making cheap, horrible, factory made party music that no one in their right mind would buy anyway.
Well, I've always said what you basically said in your first paragraph. The people who pirate things would never buy it to begin with. I do think there are companies who don't seem to grasp this concept, but others probably do just want imaginary money.
It's a passive aggressive assessment of the fact that there are HUGE problems with the current media-scape. Bad reality TV shows, too many big movies in Summer, all hampering their own performances, and of course, complete and utter failure to capture the online content market the right way. I hate how Warner Bros gets it's panties in a bunch about people uploading Cartoon Network cartoons on Youtube, but REFUSES to post the cartoons themselves either on Hulu or their official site. Of course, that's a side rant about how they're being whipped by the cable conglomerates, so I won't go into that.
The thing is, if I REALLY want to see a movie, I'll see a movie. I'll watch a TV show on hulu if I can't watch it on regular television, and I'll buy an album if I really want one. That's supporting the franchises/TV shows. Now, that takes the completely unavailable or cable exclusive things out of the factor. I only watch that stuff on Youtube.