Well, I guess Im just a perfectionist...
Hi, Laszlo, nah, it's not about being a perfectionist. I get wanting to see the film in the best quality you can (heck, that's why the Blu-Ray business is doing so well, and I have to admit they're amazing, but like Bandit said, it's more for the nostalgia and being a genuine film lover wanting to see the film from a film reel. I love how studios have restored films for DVD but sometimes they overwork them.
Take for instance some of the classic Disney animated films that have been re-released. They've tried so much to restore and upgrade the quality that in some cases, they're actually hurting the original product. I remember getting Snow White on regular DVD several years back and being disappointed by how the beautiful HAND painted backgrounds in the film were flattened out and made brighter for the restoration process. Like the wooden frames in the Dwarves' home, etc. As someone who loves old school hand-drawn 2D animation, I have a problem with that. Sometimes newer is not always better. And dont' get me started on the comparison between vinyl and CD's lol Listening to certain albums in both formats, there's just no contest...vinyl wins
But getting back to Labyrinth, when I hear about theatrical screenings of older films, I want to see it from a film reel. If I want to watch a Blu-Ray, I'm not going to pay $15-25, I'll stay home. I have a big screen TV and a great home theater system, other than the vibe of seeing it with a live audience (which depending can have it's benefits and curses) there's no reason to go otherwise in my opinion. I was thrilled to see the Muppet Movie for the film's anniversary a few years ago from a film print in a theater.