I missed a lot here today. I don't feel like quoting, so you'll just have to
with me:
Baby Animal on House of Mouse: I seriously doubt that that's true. Especially since Muppet Wiki doesn't seem to say about it, plus he'd be kinda out of place there. I doubt it's true. Remember, Wikipedia can be edited by anyone.
The food on the box thing: They really do try to make food look good on the packaging and stuff. Even for commercials. I think some pizza places do things such as drill holes in their pizzas to make them look better. I was once talking to someone who works in the TV advertising department, and he said that food is one of the hardest things to shoot, because you have to make a brownie look like a brownie, not a brown blob of goo.
The chicken or the egg: Chickens came first. According to the creation accounts in the Bible, God created each creature at the beginning. From my understanding the first chicken wouldn't have come from the egg, it would have been created as a straight chicken.